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Steeve Rey Famarato

“Former owner”

There’s a named 1️⃣ who thrift 👕. 1️⃣

👚 day she went on a thrift 🏪
1️⃣ to purchase another
thrift 👕
. After an hour of 🔍
👚 she found a ⚫ leather 🧥 who caught her attention. She
immediately bought it and utter, “you are going 🏠 with me today”. Her 👀sparkle while
holding the ⚫ leather 🧥. Right after she arrived at 🏠, she immediately went to her room
and tried to put on the leather 🧥 she bought from a thrift 🏪 . Her 👄
twitched saying, “too
big for me”, she took off the 🧥 and utter, “maybe I’ll just donate you to someone “.
Right after she said those words a ❄️✋ tapped on her shoulder and a voice out of
nowhere heard, “Don’t throw my away”. Then she replied, “ Hey! I am not 🗑️it,
you 👀? I am donating it”, but later on she was 😱 when she realized that she is all
alone in her room. Yet she 👂 someone just spoke to her telling her that don’t throw
the 🧥. As she turned to her back she saw a figure of 👨🏻. A tall 👨🏻standing behind
her, while 👀 at her. That 👨🏻 was a 👻, the owner of the🧥 who once lived.
When I was a , I lived on a with a . A large and had lived in the 🏠
until a when one of the was playing with matches. The of the dropped
a lit match on his but was too scared to ☎️ out for help.
The was 🔥ed alive under his covers. His parents and two sisters ☠️
with him in the 🔥🔥🔥.

2️⃣ other with 1️⃣ 2️⃣

One 🌃during a sleepover, my friends and I took turns trying to scare
1️⃣ stories. It was approaching 1️⃣
2️⃣and, unable to scare each
other, we thought it would be fun to go to the 👻 🏡 in the 🌆.
We through the ⛩️together and up to what remained of the 🚪,
still set in its 🗿 doorframe.
The of hung in the , and thin ☁️ of ⚱️were being 🌬️in the 🍃. But
then we realized there was no 🍃.
Shapes began to form in the ☁️of and gray 👐reached out from the
shapes. As we turned to , out of the . “Help us, we’re burning!” they

We started to run, 💡
ing that as soon as we were clear of the 🏠we
would be safe. But the shapes and 😱followed us. As we neared my 🏠 ,
the 👃of burning was almost overwhelming, and as we reached my 🚪 ,
I over my shoulder to a ✋ reaching for me.
We piled through my front 🚪, slamming it behind us and 🏃
up the stairs to my room, slamming that 🚪 tight, too. None of us
expected to 😴, but the fear had 😫 us and we fell into a deep

The next 🌅, in the daylight, we were all much braver. During

🥪🍳🥞, we talked about what happened and came to the
conclusion our imaginations had taken over. We decided to walk
back to the 🏠 in the daylight.
I opened my front and↘️ my ↘️↘️ in a 🔇😱
. There, on the 🚪
, were two

2️⃣, there were 2️⃣smaller sets of handprints, as if

large round scorches ↗️on the 🚪 , like someone had pounded on it
with burning .↘️2️⃣
children with 🔥 👐 had pushed against it.

Finally, near the of the 🚪was a tiny set of burnt handprints, as

if the youngest little 🧒had tried in vain to push open the 🚪and get
help for his .


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