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safety and labor protection

Lecturer Siryk A.O.

The purpose of studying the discipline
"Life safety and occupational health and safety"
• It consists in the acquisition of competencies, knowledge,
abilities and skills by the students for future professional
activities and in the specialty in the field of occupational
safety management at workplaces , the implementation of
which will help improve working conditions, increase
productivity, prevent diseases, industrial injuries and
• of the interaction of the "man - industrial environment "
system and the development and implementation of
measures to normalize work and preserve the health of
workers at workplaces are relevant .
Topic 1.
Introduction. General issues of labor protection and
industrial safety
Acquaint applicants with the basic concepts in the field of
GOAL occupational health and safety, consider the principles of the state
LECTURES policy of Ukraine in the field of occupational health and safety,
industrial and industrial safety


1. Basic principles of the state policy of Ukraine in the field of labor

protection and industrial safety
2. General guarantees of labor protection rights. The rights of
workers on labor protection. Obligations of the employer.
PLAN 3. Liability of employees for violations of labor protection legislation.
LECTURES 4. Labor protection of women, minors and persons with disabilities.
5. Attestation of workplaces according to working conditions
6. Compensation for work at factories with difficult and harmful
working conditions.

The final part



• 1 worker dies from an accident at work or an

occupational disease
• 6,300 people die in accidents every day, and a
total of 2.3 million people a year
• About 337 million people are injured every year
(most with disability)
Data from the International Labor Organization for 2021
( International Labor organization )


According to the global assessment of the
International Labor Organization (ILO)

For 1 fatal accident there are cases of general injury

EU countries (on average) Ukraine (on average)

1 fatality accounts for 1 fatality accounts for
In European countries, the ratio of the number of dead to the number
of injured is

Germany - 1 to 1260

Slovakia - 1 to 208

Poland - 1 to 145
1. Basic principles of the state policy of Ukraine
in the field of labor protection and industrial safety

The legal basis of labor protection is based on national

legislation and international norms
1. Basic principles of the state policy of Ukraine
in the field of labor protection and industrial safety

The constitution has its foundations labor


The state creates conditions for full implementation guarantees citizens the right
to work levels opportunities in the choice profession and type of work activities .
Everyone has the right to proper , safe and healthy conditions labor , for wages ,
not lower from determined by law.
Article 43
1. Basic principles of the state policy of Ukraine
in the field of labor protection and industrial safety

The Law of Ukraine "On Labor Protection" states that

it's a system

social organizational sanitary therapeutic

economic technical hygienic preventive

measures and methods

aimed at preservation
health and working capacity of a person in the process of work.
1. Basic principles of the state policy of Ukraine
in the field of labor protection and industrial safety

The new edition of the Law of Ukraine "On Labor Protection"

complies with the current conventions and recommendations of the
International Labor Organization, other international legal norms in this
1. Basic principles of the state policy of Ukraine
in the field of labor protection and industrial safety
Separate groups of state standards in the field of labor protection contain direct
requirements aimed at ensuring occupational safety, preserving health and working
capacity of a person in the course of his work:

ensuring the safety of the design of the workplace, safety of production

buildings and structures its dimensions and mutual equipment
and production arrangement of its elements
1. Basic principles of the state policy of Ukraine
in the field of labor protection and industrial safety
State policy in the field of labor protection is aimed at creating proper, safe
and healthy working conditions, preventing accidents and occupational
diseases. The Law of Ukraine "On Labor Protection" (Article 4) defines the
main principles of state policy in the field of labor protection:

 the priority of the life and health of employees in relation to the

results of the production activity of the enterprise;
increasing the level of industrial safety ;
assistance to enterprises in creating safe and harmless working
comprehensive solution of labor protection tasks on the basis of national
programs and.
1. Basic principles of the state policy of Ukraine
in the field of labor protection and industrial safety

The establishment of uniform standards

and requirements for labor protection
means that they must be uniform for all
enterprises, organizations and
institutions, regardless of the type of
activity and the form of their ownership.
2. General guarantees of labor protection rights.
The rights of employees on labor protection. Obligations of the

The Law of Ukraine "On Labor Protection":

 determines the main provisions regarding the
implementation of the constitutional right of employees
to protect their life and health in the process of work, to
proper, safe and healthy working conditions;
 regulates, with the participation of the relevant state
bodies, relations between the employer and the
employee on issues of safety, occupational hygiene
and the industrial environment;
 establishes a unified procedure for the organization of
labor protection in Ukraine.
2. General guarantees of labor protection rights.
The rights of workers on labor protection. Obligations of the

Performance of labor functions Payment of wages

Rights and

Employment contract

Rights and
Creation of proper
Compliance with requirements, working conditions and
rules of internal labor regulations implementation of
and labor protection instructions regulatory and legal acts
on labor protection
2. General guarantees of labor protection rights.
The rights of employees on labor protection. Obligations of the employer.
Citizens' rights to labor protection when concluding an employment contract and during
work regulated by the Labor Code (Chapter III, Articles 21-49)
and the Law of Ukraine "On Labor Protection" (Articles 5-6)

An employment contract is an agreement between

an employee and the owner of an enterprise,
institution, organization or a body or natural person
authorized by him, according to which the employee
undertakes to perform the work specified in this
agreement in compliance with internal labor
regulations, and the owner of the enterprise,
institution, organization
or the body or natural person authorized by him undertakes to pay the
employee a salary and provide the working conditions necessary for
the performance of the work provided for by the labor legislation, the
collective agreement and the agreement of the parties.
2. General guarantees of labor protection rights.
The rights of employees on labor protection. Obligations of the
creates and supports _ proper and safe and harmless
working conditions at each workplace of the enterprise , for this
purpose :

 organizes the labor protection management system at the

enterprise ;
 creates a labor protection service, determines the duties of
Duties officials and specialists of the enterprise on labor protection
issues ;
 implements measures to improve working conditions.
has the right to suspend the employee from work in case of:

 appearing at work in a drunken state, in a state of narcotic or toxic intoxication;

 refusal or evasion of mandatory medical examinations, training, instruction and
testing of knowledge on labor protection and fire protection;
in other cases provided by law.
2. General guarantees of labor protection rights.
The rights of workers on labor protection. Obligations of the

1. To take care of personal safety and health, as well as the safety

and health of the surrounding people during the performance of any
work or while staying on the territory of the enterprise , institution,
2. Know and fulfill the requirements of: normative legal acts on
labor protection issues; rules for handling machines, mechanisms,
equipment and other means of production. Duties

3. Use means of collective and individual protection (PPE).

4. To undergo preliminary and periodic medical examinations of
employees in accordance with the procedure established by law.

The employee bears direct responsibility for the violation of

the specified requirements !
3. Liability of employees
for violations of labor protection legislation

Disciplinary responsibility - in accordance with the

Labor Code, the following disciplinary sanctions are
established: reprimand, dismissal from work.

Administrative responsibility - provides for the

imposition on guilty persons who have reached the age of
16 of a monetary fine in the amounts specified in Article
43 of the Law of Ukraine "On Labor Protection".
3. Liability of employees
for violations of labor protection legislation

Material responsibility - is limited to a certain part of

the employee's earnings and should not exceed the full
amount of the damage caused.

Criminal liability - does not arise for any violation, but for
violation of labor protection requirements, which created a
danger to the life or health of citizens, which led or could lead to
accidents, accidents or other serious consequences. The signs
of a crime are both in actions and inaction, i.e. in failure to do
what should have been done in accordance with the relevant
rules, instructions, etc. The degree of punishment depends on
specific circumstances and is established by the Criminal Code
of Ukraine.
4. Labor protection of women , minors and persons with disabilities

The Constitution of Ukraine, guaranteeing the equality

of the rights of women and men, ensures this equality
with special measures regarding the protection of labor
and women's health, creating conditions that give
women the opportunity to combine work with
For women who have children under the age of
fourteen or a child with a disability, reduced working
hours can be introduced at the expense of the
economic entities' own funds (Part 3, Article 51 of the
Labor Code).
Women who have children aged 3 to 14 or disabled children cannot be
involved in overtime work or go on business trips without their consent.
4. Labor protection of women , minors and persons with disabilities

In the majority countries the world does not exist ban on professions for
women .
It support international documents on human rights : General Declaration
of Human Rights , International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights and
International Covenant on Economic , Social and Cultural Rights.
However , similar bans still exist act in the former Soviets republics -
Belarus , Russia , Armenia , Georgia , republics Central Asia .
4. Labor protection of women , minors and persons with disabilities
The Government of Ukraine canceled the
order of the Ministry of Health, which
banned 458 professions (types of work)
for women.

"For example, a woman did not have

the right to drive a bus or subway train.
A woman could only work as a flight
attendant, but she could not fly a plane."
Most of the civilized countries of the world
have long abandoned the practice of
banning professions for a certain gender.
Order No. 256 was adopted back in 1993. He forbade women to work in foundry
works, in the field of metallurgy, electrical engineering and chemical production,
etc. Also, a woman could not be a subway driver, a bus driver, or a firefighter.
4. Labor protection of women , minors and persons with disabilities
cle 174 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine and Art. 10 of the Law "On Labor Protection".
It is forbidden to refuse employment to women, and reduce
their wages for reasons related to pregnancy or the
presence of children under the age of three, and for single
mothers - due to the presence of a child under the age of
fourteen or a child with a disability . In the case of refusal
to hire the specified categories of women, the owner or the
body authorized by him is obliged to inform them of the
reasons for the refusal in writing.

Pregnant women, according to a medical

opinion, are transferred to other, easier
work during pregnancy.
Social holidays:
on the basis of a medical report, women are granted
paid leave in connection with pregnancy for 126
calendar days (70 days before and 56 after
childbirth) (Articles 17, 20) , (140 calendar days - in
case of the birth of two or more children and in case
of childbirth complications ), after the end of this
leave, child care leave for up to 3 years (Article 18 )
and additional unpaid leave for up to 6 years are

A working woman who has two or more

children under the age of 15 or a disabled
child is granted an additional paid vacation
of 5 calendar days (Article 19).
. Labor protection of women , minors and persons with disabilities

For women:
 lifting and moving loads while alternating
with other work (up to 2 times per hour) —
up to 10 kg;
 lifting and moving loads constantly during the
work shift - up to 7 kg ;
 in general, the total weight of cargo that is
moved during each hour of the work shift
should not exceed:
from the working surface — 350 kg ,
from the floor 176 kg .
4. Labor protection of women , minors and persons with disabilities

Labor protection of minors. It is forbidden to engage minors in night, overtime

and weekend work (Article 192 of the Labor Code).
All persons who have not reached the age of 18 are accepted for work only
after a preliminary medical examination and in the future, until reaching the age
of 21, are subject to a mandatory medical examination every year (Article 191 of
the Labor Code). It is not allowed to employ persons under the age of 16.

In order to prepare young people for productive work, it is allowed to employ

students of secondary schools, vocational technical and secondary special
educational institutions to perform light work,
which does not harm health and does not violate
of the learning process, in free from learning
time, with the consent of one of the parents or the
person replacing him (Article 188 of the Code of
Criminal Procedure).
4. Labor protection of women , minors and persons with disabilities

• The Law of Ukraine "On Amendments to Certain Legislative Acts of Ukraine"

dated 22.05.2021 No. 1774-VIII amended 37 laws, the provisions of which

the words "disabled", From now on, such terms as "person with
"disabled child" and disabilities", "child with disabilities",
"disabled of war" are "persons with disabilities due to war" are
used instead.
• Thus, the Law brings the current legislation into line with the provisions of the
UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities. In addition,
introducing the term "person with a disability" into use, first of all, the
emphasis is on the person, and not on his disability.
4. Labor protection of women , minors and persons with disabilities
Labor protection of persons with disabilities. In order to realize the
creative and productive abilities of persons with disabilities and taking into
account individual rehabilitation programs, they are provided with the
right to work at enterprises, institutions, and organizations.
Enterprises, at the expense of the funds of the Social Protection Fund for
Persons with Disabilities, create special workplaces for the employment of
persons with disabilities, carrying out adaptation of the main and
additional equipment, technical equipment and adaptations taking into
account the limited capabilities of persons with disabilities.
Refusal to conclude an employment contract or promotion, dismissal at
the initiative of the employer, transfer of a person with a disability to
another job without his consent on grounds of disability is not
allowed, except for cases when, according to the conclusion of a medical
and social examination, his state of health prevents performance
professional duties, endangers the health and occupational safety of other
persons, or the continuation of work or a change in its nature and scope
threatens the deterioration of the health of a person with a disability.
5. Attestation of workplaces according to working conditions

Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine 442-92-p, current

edition — dated October 28, 2016

Attestation of workplaces according to working conditions is a

comprehensive assessment of all factors of the production
environment and work process, accompanying socio-economic
factors that affect the health and working capacity of employees in
the process of work.
5. Attestation of workplaces according to working
The main purpose of the certification is to regulate the relationship between
the owner or the body authorized by him and the employees in order to realize
the rights to healthy and safe working conditions, preferential pension provision,
benefits and compensation for working in unfavorable conditions.
5. Attestation of workplaces according to working

hygienic assessment of assessment of psychophysiological

conditions and nature of work factors of work

provision of means
workplace injury safety
individual protection
5. Attestation of workplaces according to working
• The results of the research are entered in the "Map of working
conditions". They also resolve the issue of providing old-age pensions on
preferential terms in accordance with the Law of Ukraine "On Pension
Provision", other benefits and compensations.
• Based on the results of the certification, an order is issued for the
enterprise, and extracts from the order are added to the employee's work
books. Certification materials are stored for 50 years.
• The employer of the enterprise is responsible for timely and high-quality
certification of workplaces.
6. Compensation for work at factories with difficult and harmful
working conditions
During the conclusion of the employment contract, the employer must
inform the employee under a receipt about the working conditions and
the presence of dangerous and harmful production factors at his workplace,
as well as the possible consequences of their impact on health.

Compensations are established in

accordance with the Labor Code (Articles
165-168, Article 170) and the Law of
Ukraine "On Labor Protection" (Article 7)
6. Compensation for work at factories with difficult and harmful
working conditions

 Additional leave

 Reduced working hours (Reduced working


 Preferential pension provision

 Therapeutic and preventive nutrition and

free distribution of milk and/or equivalent

 Certain salary supplements

6. Compensation for work at factories with difficult and harmful
working conditions

• Working on a computer does not belong to the category of

harmful or difficult work, but, according to Part 1 of Art. 8 of the
Law No. 504/96-VR dated 15.11.96, certain categories of
persons whose work is associated with increased neuro-
emotional and intellectual load are entitled to additional annual
leave for the special nature of work.

• The term of "computer" vacation cannot be more than 4

calendar days. As a rule, in the collective agreement, such a
list is drawn up in the form of a separate appendix in the form
of a table (if there are several such employees). If the
enterprise already has a labor contract, but it does not say
anything about the positions of employees who have the right
to "computer" leave, then it is possible to make changes to the
labor contract (Article 14 of the Law of 01.07.93 No. 3356-XII) .
Independent study of the material for topic 1.

 Compensation for damage in case

of damage to the health of
employees or in case of their death

Basics of  State supervision and public

professional control over labor protection
Scientific circle

On the basis of the department of

environmental safety and labor protection
the student scientific circle "ВЕ ECO AND
SAFE" operates .

Thematic meetings of the group are held


We invite everyone to join the scientific circle!

Preparation for the International Scientific Conference of Young
Scientists, Postgraduates and Students of the NUHT-2023:
orientation, purpose, tasks, cooperation with teachers
Scientific knowledge , like solid ground underfoot _
allow for a person to correctly navigate in the
environment world , live and act ...

Thank you for your

attention !
Examples of non-compliance
with safety rules

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