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By : Roshika Gnan
What is Organic Matter?
Any substance that has been made by a living organism is called
organic matter.

Example : Apples come from plants, which are living organisms. So,
apples are organic matter.
What is Decay?

Decay is when organic matter rot or

decompose. The organism breaks
down into simpler components.

There are many types of decay.

Types of Decay
Here are some common types of decay :
• Microbial Decay: This is the most common form of decay, where
microorganisms such as bacteria and fungi break down organic
matter into simpler compounds.
• Chemical Decay: Involves chemical reactions that break down
organic compounds through processes like oxidation or hydrolysis.
Environmental factors like oxygen, water, and temperature can
influence chemical decay.
• Physical Decay: Refers to the breakdown of organic matter through
physical processes such as weathering, freezing and thawing, or
mechanical actions.
• Anaerobic Decay: Occurs in the absence of oxygen and involves
the breakdown of organic matter by anaerobic bacteria.
• Photochemical Decay: Involves the breakdown of organic matter by
sunlight or other forms of radiant energy. This process is more
common in aquatic environments.
What are Decomposers?
Organisms that make things decay are called decomposers. They break
down dead organic matter.

A few types of decomposers are bacteria, fungi, detritivores,

mushrooms and earthworms.
Why are Decomposers Important?
Decomposers and decay play crucial roles in maintaining the balance
and sustainability of ecosystems. Here are some key reasons why they
are important :
• Nutrient Recycling : Decomposers break down dead organic matter
into simpler substances, releasing essential nutrients like nitrogen,
phosphorus, and carbon back into the soil. These nutrients are then
available for plants to absorb and use for growth. This nutrient
recycling is vital for the health and productivity of ecosystems.
• Waste Management : Decomposers help in the efficient removal of
dead organisms and organic waste.

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