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Core Strength and Power Training

Abdominal Crunch

 The abdominal crunch is one of the most common exercises used to train the abdominal muscles

 The bridge exercise strengthens your glutes (butt) and hamstrings (back of the thigh) while enhancing
core stability.
Single leg press

 The single leg press is good for building quad, glute, hamstring, and calf strength and stability, as well as
improving muscular imbalances
Double leg press

 Double Leg Press Exercise Pilates Reformer targets lower body muscle groups such as the quadriceps,
hamstrings, gluteus, and deep core muscles
Modified Plank

 Modified plank pose is a strengthening and balancing yoga asana that prepares the arms and core for more
advanced arm-balancing poses.
Side Plank

 A side plank is a bodyweight exercise that targets several muscle groups, most notably the core. It's
performed similarly to a standard plank, but involves balancing on one foot and arm as you keep your body
in a straight line, instead of planking with both arms and feet on the ground.

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