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RUNNING – Running, for example, may dramatically increase mental health, self-confidence,
healthy aging, and quality of life. Running on a daily basis improves physical fitness and
develops lower-body muscles. This is because the act of running activates these muscles,
causing them to create tremendous power mile after mile.
WALKING - Just 30 minutes every day can improve cardiovascular fitness, bone strength, extra
body fat loss, and muscular power and endurance. Walking can also help you avoid illnesses
including heart disease, type 2 diabetes, osteoporosis, and several malignancies.
JUMPING JACK - Jumping jacks are a full-body workout that works muscles in your arms, legs,
and core. They can help you strengthen your muscles, enhance your coordination, and
increase your fitness. Traditional jumping jacks may be included in your routines.


WALL PUSH-UP - This exercise also uses your lower body muscles for stability, such as your
glutes, quadriceps, and calves, to some level. These muscles aid in the improvement of your
postural stability, balance, and upper body mobility. As mobilizers, wall pushups target the
upper body muscles of the chest, arms, and shoulders.
SQUAT - Squats burn calories and may aid in weight loss. They also reduce the likelihood of
knee and ankle injuries. Exercise strengthens the tendons, bones, and ligaments that surround
the leg muscles.
LUNGE - Lunges include the usage of big lower-body muscles such as the glutes, hamstrings,
and quadriceps. This strength-building exercise can help address muscular imbalances,
improve flexibility, and promote metabolism. The most prevalent variation of this exercise is
forward lunges.


SHOULDER STRETCH - Shoulder stretches can help ease neck and shoulder muscular stress,
soreness, and tightness. Neck stretches, shoulder rolls, and different yoga postures may aid in
the reduction of stiffness and enhancement of flexibility. Shoulders that are stiff or tight can
create discomfort and limit a person's range of motion.
ARMPIT STRETCH - The fascia, an interconnected web of connective tissues present
throughout the body, is targeted by stretching the armpits out on a yoga block. According to
Heimann, the intricate network serves as the body's uncensored journal entry. It is said to hold
pent-up emotions, memories, and a lot of stress.
NECK STRETCH - Neck stretching can assist in increasing flexibility and mobility. The neck will
be able to move more freely if it is flexible. This can assist in relieving neck stress and stiffness.
Neck stretching can also promote general health and well-being.


ONE LEG STAND - Single leg stance is a basic exercise designed to enhance proprioception and
leg balance (ankle, knee, and hips). The longer you stand on one leg, the more the muscles
tire, potentially resulting in greater physical endurance.

HEEL-TO-TOE STANDING - Standing heel and toe raises enhance strength balance weight-
bearing tolerance and are best performed when supported by a sink or firm countertop. and
are efficient in increasing circulation. For reducing edema after lower extremity joint
replacement to execute heel rises lift.
REVERSE LUNGE KICK - Reverse lunges work the core, glutes, and hamstrings. They reduce
joint tension and provide a little more stability in your front leg. This is perfect for persons who
have knee problems, trouble balance, or limited hip movement.


OVERHEAD SQUAT - Overhead squats can help you gain general strength. The overhead squat
engages upper-body muscles such as the triceps and deltoids, as well as lower-body muscles
such as the hamstrings, adductors, quadriceps, and lower back.
STANDING MARCH - It aids in balance improvement by training on both sides of the body and
building tolerance for brief periods of single-leg balance. Standing Marches target the
quadriceps, hamstrings, hip flexors, calves, and glutes.
ALTERNATING SIDE STEP - Side stepping exercises can help to develop these underutilized
muscles while also improving balance, flexibility, and spatial awareness. Physical therapists
employ side-stepping therapy to treat lower back and lower extremity ailments.

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