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CBA 1- History- 2nd Year

The Past in My Place

What is a CBA?
• CBA stands for Classroom Based Assessment
• It is a project that the student completes individually; it must be the
student's own work; it must be done inside a 3 week time frame
• Your teacher will give you advice and support but cannot do the project
for you
• The work should be based on sources (minimum 2) but should not be
copied word for word from the sources- your work must show some
originality and reference the sources instead of copying them
There are two CBAs in History...
The descriptor
your teachers give
you for your CBAs
go on your JCPA
(Junior Cycle
Profile of
which you receive
after you complete
your 3rd year
There is also an Assessment Task...

The assessment task is worth 10% of your grade in

History, the written exam in June of your 3rd year makes
up the other 90%
CBA 1: The Past in My Place
What do we mean by "the past in my place"?
• What is "my place"?
Is it Doughiska, Galway, Connacht, Ireland, Estonia, Poland, France,
Ukraine, the United States, Nigeria, Angola, South Africa?
• Only you can decide this... think about where you feel a connection to,
where do you feel you (or your family) are from or are connected to?
• Note: If you chose to do a project on somewhere/something in Ireland for CBA1 your CBA2 in 3rd
year must be based on person not from Ireland and vice versa
What next?
• Once you decide where your "place" is you now need to develop your historical
curiosity about that area
• Start to think about any famous historical events that may have happened there,
e.g. the 1916 Rising, an event during the Civil War, a battle during WW2, or find
out are there any historical buildings you could research, e.g. a castle, a
workhouse, maybe there is a famous person in your family you could do your
research on them and their achievements, perhaps you could research Traveller
heritage, a genocide or a famine, etc.
Now what?
• When you have thought about some possible topics or ideas
based on the history of your place you then need to find
sources of information (minimum 2 different ones)
• Think about all the different types of sources you could use
and where you might find them, e.g. photographs, visiting
the building, researching documents/books/websites on the
internet, go to the library for books, interview a family
member or a neighbour
How do you credit the sources you used and show
your teacher proof of what you used?
Finishing up...

• You submit your final display to your teacher at the end of

the 3 weeks
• You write a reflection based on the whole process of doing
the CBA and submit this to your teacher at the end of the
• Your teacher then decides what descriptor they think you
should get for your work using the features of quality rubric
• All 2nd year History teachers then meet up and discuss and
compare some examples of work they received, and they
then agree on the final descriptors for their students
• You then usually get told what descriptor you got and
receive feedback from your teacher
1. Descriptors:There are four descriptors of achievement in each Junior Cycle
History Classroom Based Assessment: Exceptional, Above expectations, In
line with expectations, and Yet to meet expectations. All work submitted is
judged to fit one of these four descriptors.
2. Features
of Quality: Teachers use the Features of Quality, set out in the
Assessment Guidelines, to decide the level of achievement in each Classroom
Based Assessment. The Features of Quality are the criteria that will be used to
assess the student work as best fitting one of the following Descriptors:
Exceptional, Above expectations, In line with expectations, and Yet to meet
Features of Quality for History CBA 1
Timeline –
Deadlines for
CBA 1 (History)
Any Questions???

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