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The effects of deforestation:

• 1- climate imbalance and climate change:

• Forests are lungs of the planet takes carbon dioxide and release oxygen and water vapor in air and also provide the shade that keeps the soil moist so
lack of forests leads to the imbalance in atmospheric temperature ,drier climate and making conditions for the ecology difficult that leads to climate change
so several species of animals and plants will extinct as it is difficult for them to adapt to new habitats, humidity levels come down and cause remaining
plants to dry out and this increases fire damage that destroys forests rapidly harms wild animals and human ,loss of forests will lead to flooding ,soil
erosion ,desertification and high temperature to occur rapidly and exponentially
• 2- increasing in global warming:
• Forests play a basic role in controlling global warming and utilize green house gases restoring balance in the atmosphere so deforestation will increase the
ratio of green house gases in the atmosphere adding to our global warming woes
• 3- soil Erosion:
• Forests play crucial for local water cycles as they keep on returning water vapor into atmosphere so the soil remains moist as rainwater percolates within
the soil so deforestation makes the land directly exposed to the sun and making it dry as forests maintain soil from exposing directly to the sun ,with out
forests erosion occurs and sweeps the land in to nearby rivers and streams ,forests serves natural water purification plants so soil erosion makes soil
exposed to contaminates that leach in to water supply which damages the quality of our water drinking
• 4- floods:
• When it rains forests absorb and storage large amount of water with the help of their roots so deforestation cause the flow of water disruption and soil
losses its ability to retain water so it leads floods in some areas and droughts in others
• 5- deforestation is threat to biodiversity:
• Forests represent the most veritable hubs of biodiversity from mammals to birds, insects amphibians or plants 80% of earths land animals and plants live
in forests , forests provide shade , colder temperatures for animals and also feed them , by destroying forests human activities are putting entire
ecosystems in danger , creating natural imbalances and putting life in threat
Effects of deforestation:
• 6- wild life extinction and habitat loss:
• Because of deforestation, various animal species are lost so they lose their habitat and also forced to move a new location so many of them
exposed to extinction , our world has lost innumerable species of plants and animals in the last couple decades ,A study of Brazilian Amazon
forests up to 90% of predicted extinctions will occur until the next 40 years
• 7- acidic oceans :
• The increased levels of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere due to deforestation and burning fossil fuels make oceans more acidic ,since industrial
revolution ,beaches are already 30% more acidic ,posing ocean species and ecosystems at extreme risk
• 8- the decline in life quality of people:
• Millions of people all over the world depend on forests for hunting , small –scale agriculture , gathering and medicine , everyday materials such as
latex ,cork ,fruits , nuts , natural oils and resins are found in tropical forests so deforestation disrupts the lives of millions of people in southeast
Asia and contributes to social conflict and migration
• 9- food insecurity in the future:
Currently 52% of all the land used for food production is moderately impacted by soil erosion so in the long term the lack of fertile soil can lead to low
yields and food insecurity
10- health:
Deforestation negatively affects human health and life , deforestation causes animals to lose their shelters which leads to the displacement of those
animals to areas surrounding the forests which is large proportion of population so the friction between humans and animals lead to transmission of
diseases from animals to human that cannot be tolerated and it leads to pandemic such as malaria and Ebola
Challenging of deforestation in the Brazilian Amazon
• 1- In the last three decades land use in the Brazilian Amazon is characterized by the intense exploitation of natural resources which is resulted in mosaic of
human altered habitats without affectively improving quality of life and income distribution for the local population about 17% of the Amazon forest or 60million
hectares has been converted to other land uses in the past 30 years ,most areas has been transformed in to low –productivity pastures and these changes were
as result of former strong governmental incentives for forest conversion and population migration to the region ,characterizing a development pattern at this time
where forests were seen as barriers for economic growth
• 2- trees in Amazon forests contain 60 to 80 billion tones of carbon more than global emissions generated by humans ,deforestation in the Brazilian Amazon
alone release 200 million tones of carbon annually ,accounting for 3% of net carbon emissions and 70% of national emissions
• 3- around 1.5 million hectares per year are harvested for timber ,often use un sustainable practices that increases forest degradation and related biodiversity
loss , almost 1/3 of the amazon forest have been degraded by the use of unsustainable practices , poor harvesting and burn agricultural practices puts million of
hectares of forests at high fire risk, forests are even more susceptible to fires because long periods of drought make forests drier and result in accumulation of
fuel on the ground
• 4- forest exploitation and conversion have not brought true development employment opportunities , better income distribution for local population or
environmental benefits to the region, currently about 45% of the population of Brazilian Amazon has income below poverty line
• 5- deforestation in Brazilian Amazon results from complex interaction of many direct and indirect drivers such as mining ,logging subsides for cattle ranching ,
investment in infrastructure , land tenure issues , low law enforcement and the high price of grains and meat
• 6- Brazil is one of the worlds top producers and exporters of sugar cane , soybean , oranges , in the 9 states of Brazilian Amazon ,the area under intensive
mechanized agriculture grew by more than 3,6 million hectares from 2001 to 2004 during this period the greatest increase in area planted soy beans was in
MatoGrosso , by displacing cattle ranchers soybean production has pushed the Amazon deforestation frontier further north , forces driving the expansion of
mechanized agriculture include lower transportation costs as a result of improved local infrastructure ,higher international soybean prices , increased demand
from European markets because of mad-cow diseases , rapid economic growth in china makes consuming great quantities of poultry and pork fed with soybean
• 7- soybean also used for bio fuel ,the Brazilian government has declared the obligatory addition 2% biofuel in petroleum diesel , the proportion will increase to
8% icreasing biofuel consumption to 2.5 million litres per year this policy encouraged local producers to increase their soybean plantation area ,about 2 million
hectares will be needed the new Brazilian demand , the challenge here is to increase production without new deforestation
• 8- deforestation facilitated by road pavement and low enforcement could dramatically increase the annual net carbon emissions from Amazon so it is predicted
that 32 billion tones of carbon would be emitted by 2050
• Cascade effects of deforestation and tropical moist forests within the
• Deforestation contributes about 4.8 billion tons of carbon dioxide Annually
one of the most astounding deforestation facts. Forest loss contributes
approximately 5 billion tons of carbon dioxide to the atmosphere each year,
which is equivalent to approximately 10% of annual human emissions.
 The relation between Carbon dioxide emissions resulting from cutting down
forests and gross domestic product in Brazil

the effect of CO2 emissons on gpt

gdp co2 emissions





2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020
 in the Brazilian Amazon, economic growth has often gone hand-in-hand with exploiting the
rainforest, we found the relation is positive between increasing co2 emission and increasing
GDP, but in 2018 GDP decrease to 1.92%compared with a 2017 it was 2.06% and science
2019 to 2020 GDP has fallen reached 1.48 %and also carbon dioxide emission decreased
The main cause of deforestation is clearing of land for agriculture
and livestock. Although the annual rate of deforestation in Brazil has
been sharply declining in recent years, it still amounts to 2.6 million
hectares (the size of Luxembourg) ,thus however, the deforestation
lead to an increase in carbon dioxide
The region’s economy, and Brazil as a whole, rely heavily on
farming, mining and other resource-intensive activities that deplete
the Amazon. It’s why many people see deforestation as a necessary
and inevitable part of growing the country’s economy and providing
for its people, but protecting the Amazon doesn’t have to mean
shrinking Brazil’s GDP or turning back the clock on development.
What polices should be followed to eliminate Deforestation:
• 1- minimize paper consumption because production of paper needs use 40% of industrial worldwide wood so cutting down trees and wood to
make paper leads to threats to the forest ecosystem
• 2- making plans to protect forest and environmental resources ,putting serious rules and laws to reduce deforestation by the government
• 3- join and support organizations that are fighting to reduction deforestation
• 4- buying recycled products for example paper
• 5-raising awareness about the need to protect forests and danger of deforestation to the ecosystem
• 6- reforestation: human – caused deforestation can be countered with reforestation , planting trees in the deforested areas help restore the
habitat of a unique biodiversity and battle climate change
• 7- monitor forest cover change ,thermal anomalies ,logging
• 8-eat less meat: livestock rearing has become one of the leading cause of deforestation
• 9-purchase from sustainable forest –friendly companies : try to purchase from companies that are committed to reducing deforestation
• 10- monitor forest health ,measure productivity and water stress
• 11- receive email notifications about forest cover changes to improve decision making

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