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Made by Liam D
Tech Company

When I put a Lion into my logo

I wanted it to come across as
a cool and futuristic design. It
is a predator and one of the
stronger and scarier predators.
“Ldunz Tech” is a computer
technology company focusing
on the future of tech.
Managing computer and other
types of technology like
Iphones, Macbooks, and
These are my Notre Dame logos representing the steam
club. I like the fighting irish mascot, mainly the older version
so I decided to bring it back and use it as it’s casual and
represents Notre Dame. I decided to make a casual logo
and try and make it stand out. The Steam club stands for
Science, Tech, Engineering, arts and math so I put the text
for better understanding in one of the logos.

The most interesting this I learned from this unit was how to
represent an idea. For example, when I thought of ND steam
club I thought of Notre Dame and how I could represent it so I
added my fighting irish logo and created a title with some
colours in the back. I tried to make it casual but add a cool
design that would grab attention. It was challenging to think of
a company name or what to put in text for the title. I figured
that when I added a title I needed to create a pattern in colour
so it was hard to make a matching logo with the initial design.
So another example, when I put the Notre Dame mascot in I
needed to match the colours and finish the pattern in the
background. I think I could work on following instructions
because everything is easier when I do.

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