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Health Advisory
My Neck
My Back
It’s a rash attack!
Monkeypox updates:
Let’s start with basic definitions:

AN EPIDEMIC is a disease that affects a large number of people within a community,

population, or region.
A PANDEMIC is an epidemic that’s spread over multiple countries or continents.
ENDEMIC is something that belongs to a particular people or country.
AN OUTBREAK is a greater-than-anticipated increase in the number of endemic cases. It
can also be a single case in a new area. If it’s not quickly controlled, an outbreak can
become an epidemic.
Global updates:
• May 2022 : World Health Organization (WHO) reported outbreaks of monkeypox in
non-endemic countries
• January-June 15, 2022: 2,103 confirmed cases and (1) one death due to the virus, in
42 countries
• May up to June 15, 2022: 90% case has reported
• Since May 2022: cases has been outside of the West and Central African countries
where the disease has long been endemic. Most of the new cases have been in Western
• 2022: 3,200 confirmed cases and (1) one death reported from 48 countries in total year
• Transmission fears: “The outbreak in newly-affected countries continues to be
primarily among men who have sex with men, and who have reported recent sex with
new or multiple partners,”- WHO
Local updates:
DOH, Philippine Reported Cases
1st CONFIRMED CASE (July 2022)
Profile: 31-year-old Filipino national
Travel History: Arrived from abroad last July 19. The case had prior travel to countries with documented
Monkeypox cases.
Test Result: Confirmed positive for Monkeypox via Reverse Transcriptase Polymerase Chain Reaction or
RT-PCR, done at the DOH Research Institute for Tropical Medicine (RITM) on July 28.
The case has been discharged well, and is undergoing strict isolation and monitoring at home.
Ten (10) close contacts were recorded, of which, three (3) were from the same household. All have been
advised to quarantine, and are being monitored by the Department.

August 6, 2022: discharged from isolation

Local updates:
DOH, Philippine Reported Cases
2nd CONFIRMED CASE (Press Release | 19 August 2022)
Profile: 34-year-old Filipino national
Travel History: The second case had recent travel to countries with documented confirmed cases of
Test Result: The case was tested and confirmed positive for Monkeypox via Reverse Transcriptase
Polymerase Chain Reaction or RT-PCR by the DOH Research Institute for Tropical Medicine (RITM) on
August 18, 2022.
Case investigation and contact tracing is ongoing for the cases.
Under strict isolation.
Note new cases are not related to each other, or to the first case.
Local updates:
DOH, Philippine Reported Cases
3rd CONFIRMED CASE (Press Release | 19 August 2022)
Profile: 29-year-old Filipino national
Travel History: Had recently traveled to a country with documented confirmed cases of Monkeypox.
Test Result: The case was tested and confirmed positive for Monkeypox via RT-PCR by the DOH RITM on
August 19, 2022.
To date, 17 close contacts of the third case have been identified. Their details are being verified.
Under strict isolation.
Note new cases are not related to each other, or to the first case.
Local updates:
DOH, Philippine Reported Cases
4TH CONFIRMED CASE (Published August 22, 2022)
Profile: 25-year-old Filipino national
Travel History: NO documented travel history to or from any country with documented confirmed cases of
Test Result: The case was tested and confirmed positive for monkeypox via real time PCR by the DOH
Research Institute for Tropical Medicine (RITM), with results released August 19, 2022.
DOH added that the case is being cared for and is admitted in an isolation facility.

“Intensive case investigation and contact tracing is ongoing. To date, fourteen close contacts have been
identified. One is currently taking care of the case in the isolation facility while six are undergoing
Monkeypox vaccine:
 In the U.S, two vaccines may be used to prevent monkeypox (JYNNEOS and ACAM2000), JYNNEOS was
developed to protect against both monkeypox and smallpox. ACAM2000 was developed to protect against smallpox.
Both vaccines are expected to provide a good level of protection against monkeypox.- CDC

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