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It has been 2 years since the first case of Coronavirus 19 with causative agent of
SARS-CoV-2 is reported last January 22, 2020. As of the writing, a total of 3,616,387 people
are confirmed to have been tested positive in the Philippines. There are a lot of deaths,
totaling 54,538, but on the brighter side a lot of the Filipinos have recovered. China is the
country of origin of the Covid 19 virus and it has been spread in the Philippines when
someone from Hong Kong entered the country without the knowledge that they are positive.
Ever since the onset of the pandemic a lot of pharmaceutical companies have worked
hand in hand in producing vaccines to be distributed all over the world. Here in the country
we have 11 vaccines that are approved in the country including Pfizer, Moderna, Covovax,
Sputnik V, Sputnik Light, Janssen, Sinovac, Covaxin, Sinopharm, Astrazeneca, and Covilo.
With that being said, the country already has administered a total of 128 million doses of
vaccine for the Filipino people and 60 million of them are completed with vaccine while 8
million are on their booster shots. It might be a long battle against covid 19 but with the help
of everyone and the government we are slowly going back to normal and in no time almost
100 percent of the Filipinos will be vaccinated and we will reach the herd immunity stage.
This pandemic was never easy, a lot of people lost their jobs and some lost someone
important to them but still with this experience we are able to learn the importance of life

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