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Examination of conscience

Do I fail to LOVE God with all my heart, soul, mind and strength?

“I am the LORD your God. Do not have other gods beside Me”
Do I involve myself in the occult? In
horoscopes and superstitions?

Do I hold God in His rightful place

above all other things in my life?

Do I give time to pray each day?

Like the Rich young man do I honour money, and wealth over God?

National Youth Sunday 2013 Examination of conscience

“I am the LORD your God. Do not make an idol of yourself”
James and John argued over who was greatest. Do I
compare myself to others? Do I judge others?

Do I put yourself first in my life? Before those less fortunate

than myself?

Do I look after those

immediately close to me,
my friends and family?

Do I give to charity?

National Youth Sunday 2013 Examination of conscience

“I am the LORD your God. Do not misuse the name of the LORD.”
Do I use the Lord’s name in

Do I stand up for my faith

when others may be
slandering the Lord?

Have I angered others so

as to make them

Peter denied Jesus and His Kingship. He

misused the name of the LORD.
National Youth Sunday 2013 Examination of conscience
“I am the LORD your God. Keep the Sabbath day holy.”
Have I missed Mass deliberately on

Do I take time on Sunday’s for my


Have I received Holy Communion

when I needed to go to confession?

Am I reluctant to get
ready for Mass? Do I
National Youth Sunday 2013 Examination of conscience
Have I abused alcohol or drugs?

“I am the LORD your God. Do not murder.”

Have I used destructive
and abusive language to
Like Paul, help me to have make myself feel more
a conversion of heart to important and to put
love You, Lord, more each others down?
Have I used my

in the wrong way?

Paul, persecuted ,
tortured and killed before he
met the Lord on the road to

Do I hold on to grudges,
and not forgive?

National Youth Sunday 2013 Examination of conscience

“I am the LORD your God. Honour your father and your mother.”
Have I treated my parents and my family with
respect? Do I help at

Have I shown gratitude for the

blessings I have in my life?

Like Mary, who trusted in

Jesus wholeheartedly
especially at the Wedding in
Cana, help me Lord to trust in

“Do what ever he tells you”

National Youth Sunday 2013 Examination of conscience
“I am the LORD your God. Do not commit adultery.”
Do I use impure or suggestive words?

Do I deliberately look at impure things on the

television, or the internet?

Do I try to
control my thoughts?

Like the adulterous woman, Jesus does

not condemn us but pleads with us to “Go
and from now on do not sin again.” John 8:11

National Youth Sunday 2013 Examination of conscience

“I am the LORD your God. Do not steal.”
Like, Zaccaeus the Tax collector have I stolen what is
not mine?
Do you steal attention from
those who need it most?

Do I steal attention from

those who need it most,
because of my own self

Have I downloaded
music, films, TV
programmes, books
illegally from the

National Youth Sunday 2013 Examination of conscience

“I am the LORD your God. Do not give false witness.”
Like Thomas do I not recognise
the truth of the risen Jesus?

Do I tell lies?

Have I
When I have done something wrong, am I asked for
the truth?
honest and accept my punishment.
National Youth Sunday 2013 Examination of conscience
“I am the LORD your God. Do not covet your neighbours things.”
Matthew when he was a tax collector, before he was changed by Jesus regularly stole from
people around him

Am I jealous of what
others have?

Do I focus on other people’s

strengths and gifts, rather than
recognising the gifts God has
given me?

National Youth Sunday 2013 Examination of conscience

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