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Name : Diya Malhotra

Course : Bcom (Hons)

Roll . no. : 2023276
subject : Digital empowerment
Introduction to Electronic

Electronic communication refers to the exchange of information, ideas, and

messages through electronic devices and digital platforms. It encompasses
various forms such as email, instant messaging, video conferencing, and social
media platforms. In today's digital age, electronic communication plays a
pivotal role in personal and professional interactions, enabling swift and
efficient exchange of information across geographical boundaries.
Pros of Electronic Communication
1 Efficiency 2 Cost-Effective 3 Global Reach
Electronic communication It eliminates the need It enables communication with
facilitates quick for physical mail, individuals and organizations
dissemination of reducing postage and worldwide, transcending
information, reducing the printing costs, making it geographical barriers, and
time required to convey a cost-effective option boosting international
messages and enabling for communication. collaboration.

4 Documentation
Messages and discussions can be easily archived and referenced,
providing a valuable record of communication for future use.
Cons of Electronic
1 Misinterpretation
The absence of non-verbal cues can lead to misunderstandings and
misinterpretations of tone and intent, causing communication

2 Security Risks
The digital nature of electronic communication makes it susceptible to
security threats, such as hacking, phishing, and data breaches, posing
privacy and confidentiality risks.

3 Information Overload
The constant influx of electronic messages can lead to information
overload, impacting productivity and cognitive load.
Best Practices for Effective Electronic
Clarity Professional Tone Timely Responses

Ensure your messages are Maintain a professional and Practice prompt responses to
clear, concise, and easy to respectful tone in all emails and messages,
understand, avoiding electronic communications, demonstrating respect for
ambiguity and reflecting positively on your others' time and fostering
miscommunication. professional image. efficient communication.
Importance of Clear and Concise
Eliminates Ambiguity
Clear communication leaves no room for misunderstanding, ensuring all parties
interpret the message accurately.

Enhances Productivity
Concise communication saves time and minimizes confusion, enabling efficient
task execution and collaborative efforts.

Fosters Trust
Clear and concise communication fosters trust and credibility, enhancing
relationships and reducing the likelihood of conflicts.
Strategies for Maintaining Professionalism
in Electronic Communication

Use Formal Greetings Proofread Messages Respect

Thoroughly proofread all
Begin emails with electronic messages to Avoid discussing sensitive
appropriate greetings and avoid typos, grammatical or confidential information
salutations to establish a errors, and ensure clarity. through unsecured digital
professional tone and channels to maintain
convey respect. professionalism and data

Respond Promptly
Even if you don't have an immediate answers acknowledge the message and provide a timeline for
when the recipient can expect a response
Link for Reference

digital empowerment book pdf

Thank You
Thank you for your attention and the opportunity to present the valuable
insights on electronic communication. Feel free to reach out for any further
queries or discussions!

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