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• Natural Duties - These are inherent and derive from
natural law, such as the duty of worshipping God and
preserving one's life.

• Positive Duties - Arise from positive law, which

is created by human authorities, like
• . Affirmative Duties - These duties require
the performance of a specific action.

• *Negative Duties - These duties involve

the omission or avoidance of certain
• Perfect or Juridical Duty - This duty arises
from strict justice and corresponds to a perfect

• *Imperfect or Moral Duty - This duty doesn't

strictly adhere to justice but is based on virtues
like charity or moral principles.
Scenario Conflicting Duties
Imagine a situation where a young person, let's call him
Alex, is faced with conflicting duties. Alex's parents strictly
forbid attending any form of religious gathering, including
Sunday Mass, as they follow a different faith. However,
Alex is a devout believer in their own religion and feels a
strong obligation to fulfill their religious duties, including
attending Mass regularly.

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