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Perform the following task indicated below. When possible attach the images to support your answers. Print your answers in a Long Bond Paper
and enclose it with sliding folder.

Topic: General Concepts and Historical Events in Science, Technology and Society

1. Create a timeline of the major scientific and technological breakthroughs in history.

2. Identify the key individuals and groups who contributed to these breakthroughs.


Prehistoric to Ancient Times:
 Pythagoras: Known for
 Early humans: Various
Pythagoras theorem.
groups of early humas
such as Homo habilis,  Archimedes: Made
contributed to the significant contributions to
inventions of stone tools. mathematics and physics.
 Mesopotamians: The  Claudius Ptolemy: Known
development of writing is for his work in astronomy
often attributed to the and geography.
Sumerians in Ancient
20th CENTURY:  AI-Khwarizmi: A Persian  Johannes Gutenberg:
mathematician who Inventor of the printing
INDUSTRIAL REVOLUTION:  Wright brothers (Wilbur contributed to algebra and Various tech companies:
press, which revolutionized
and Orville): Pioneers of introduced the concept of Advancements in mobile dissemination.
 James Watt: Improved the information
powered flight. technology,
steam engine, a pivotal “algorithms.”  social media,
Nicolaus Copernicus:
 Alan Turing: Played a key
 Roger Bacon: An English and the internet are
Proposed the heliocentric
invention of the Industrial
role in early computer philosopher and scientist attributed to model
companiesof the solar system.
science. known for his experimental like Apple, Facebook and Made
 Various inventors and Galileo Galilei:
 NASA and soviet space approach to science. google. groundbreaking
engineers: Contributed to
agencies: Led the space  Jennifer Doudna and
astronomical observations
textile machinery,
race and achieve the Emmanuelle Charpenter:
using a telescope.
railroads, and telegraph
moon landing. Develop the
Sir Isaacgenre-
 Intel: Invented the editing technology.
Formulated the laws of
microprocessor,  Ongoing contributions
motion and and
revolutionizing computing. Al and quantum computing:
Many researchers and
organizations are advancing
these fields.
3. Explain the impact of these breakthroughs on society.

ANSWER: The impact of scientific and technological and breakthroughs on society has been profound and far-reaching. The agricultural
revolution, invention the wheel, development of writing, iron smelting, and Gutenberg’s printing press have all contributed to the
spread of knowledge. The scientific revolution, led by Copernicus, Galileo and Newton, challenge existing worldviews and laid the
foundation for modern science. The industrial revolution led to mass production of goods, urbanization and improvements in
transportation, communication and living standards. Advances in electricity distribution networks. The Wright brother’s invention of
powered flight revolutionized transportation and the aviation industry. Space exploration demonstrated human capability and ingenuity,
leading to numerous technological advancements. Computing has transformed various aspects of society, including communication,
finance, healthcare, and the internet. Genetic engineering Al, and quantum computing have the potential to revolutionize various fields.

Intellectual Revolutions That Defined Society

4. Research and identify three intellectual revolutions that had a significant impact on society.

 The Enlightenment (17th-18th centuries) introduced rationalism, individualism, securalism, and empiricism, challenging traditional
authority and promoting democratic ideals.
 The Industrial Revolution (19th-18th centuries) introduced technological innovation, mechanization, and the transition from
agrarian to industrial economies, leading to urbanization and increased productivity.
 The Information Revolution (19th-20th centuries) revolutionized communication, information access, and knowledge
dissemination, creating new industries and transforming commerce, education, entertainment, and social interactions. These
intellectual revolutions significantly influenced modern society and continue to shape its future.

5. Explain the key ideas of each revolution and how they challenged the status quo.

 The Enlightenment (17th-18th centuries) was a period of intellectual revolution that emphasized reason, individualism,
securalism, and empirical evidence. It aimed to replace authoritarian rule with representative governance and human rights.
 The Industrial Revolution (18th-19th centuries) introduced technological innovation, mechanization and economic transformation,
disrupting agrarian societies and hierarchical structures. It leads to the rise of the working class and labor movement, and
sparked debates about worker’s rights and working conditions.
 The Information Revolution (19 th century to present) was characterized by rapid technological advancements, digitalization and
global connectivity, challenging traditional media, publishing and retail, leading to the rise of online platforms and e-commerce.

These revolutions posed new challenges related to privacy, cybersecurity, and the ethical use of technology, shaping the modern

6. Discuss the positive and negative impacts of each revolution.

 The Enlightenment (17th-18th centuries) was a period of intellectual revolution that led to significant advancements in science,
philosophy, and critical thinking. It promoted human rights, securalism, and scientific progress but also led to overemphasis on
rationalism, social inequality, and conflict.
 The Industrial Revolution (late 18th to early 19th centuries) brought technological advancements, economic growth, and
urbanization but also led to exploitation, labor conditions environmental degradation and also inequality.
 The Information Revolution (late 20 th century to present) brought global connectivity, access to information, economic
opportunities, and social movements. However it also raised privacy concerns, information overload, job displacement, and
social isolation.

These revolutions reflected the complex nature of social transformation, advancing knowledge, human rights and economic
growth but also presenting challenges related to equality, labor, the environment and social cohesion.

7. Identify three examples of how science and technology have been used to build nations.

 Science and technology have played a crucial role in nation building through infrastructure development, energy production
and distribution, and space exploration. Transportation networks, such as the interstate highway system the United States,
have improved connectivity and promoted economic growth. Electricity has powered industries, homes and essential services,
fostering regional development and economic stability. Space programs such as the Soviet Union’s Sputnik and NASA’s Apollo,
showcased technological powers and innovation, contributing to nation’s cultural identity and global influence.

8. Explain how these examples have contributed to the economic, social, and political development of the nations involved.

 Infrastructure development, energy production and space exploration have significantly impacted the economic, social and
political development of nations. Infrastructure projects create jobs, simulate trade and commerce and increase property
values. Accessibility to essential services, such as education and healthcare, improves quality life. Infrastructure project also
foster regional integration and political stability by reducing disparities in access to resources services.
 Energy production and distribution fuel industrialization, leading to job creation and innovation. Reliable energy access
improves living standards, healthcare and education. Countries with diverse and reliable energy sources have greater energy
security and can develop energy policies to manage resources and address environmental concerns.
 Space exploration drives technological innovation, generating economic opportunities and jobs in various industries. It also
contributes to scientific advancement, inspires the next generation of scientists, and enhances nation’s global prestige.
Successful space missions also reflect technological and scientific leadership and promote international collaboration.

9.Discuss the challenges and opportunities that developing nations face in using science and technology for nation-building

 Developing nations face both challenges and opportunities when utilizing science and technology for nation building.
Challenges include limited resources, a shortage of skilled professionals in STEM fields, a digital divide, lack of research and
development, insufficient infrastructure, intellectual property issues and cybersecurity risks. Opportunities include
leapfrogging, global collaboration, agriculture, emerging markets and addressing social issues like healthcare, education, and
poverty alleviation. Governments can implement policies that promote technology adoption, innovation and entrepreneurship,
such as tax incentives, research grants and investments incentives. Despite these challenges, strategic investments in
education, infrastructure and innovation can help these nations leverage the power of technology for sustainable

10. Research the history of science education in the Philippines.

 The history of science education in the Philippines has evolved over time, with key milestone including the pre-Spanish Era,
Spanish Colonial Period, American Colonial Period and post-World War II Period. During the Spanish rule, education was
primarily focused on religious instruction, with limited access to formal education. The American education system introduced
in 1898 introduced science education, with establishment of the University of the Philippines in 1908. Post-World War II, the
Government recognized its importance for economic and technological development, leading to the establishment of the
Department of Education in 1947. The Philippine Science High School System was established in 1946 and the Department of
Science and Technology was created in 1987. Several universities and colleges offer bachelor’s and advanced degrees in various
scientific discipline.

11. Identify the key challenges and opportunities that the Philippines faces in improving science education.

 The Philippines faces challenges in improving science education, including limited funding, teacher shortages, uneven access to
quality education, curriculum alignment, limited research and development and low scientific literacy. Opportunities include
government initiatives, international collaboration, technology integration, expanding STEM programs, community
engagement, research innovation, teacher training and global opportunities. The government has shown commitment to
improving science education through scholarships, international collaboration and technological integration.

12. Develop a proposal for how to improve science education in the Philippines.

 The proposal for improving science education in the Philippines aims to create a culture of scientific literacy, critical thinking
and innovation among students. It includes modernizing the science curriculum, integrating technology, and implementing
teacher training programs. The proposal also includes for strategies for recruiting and retaining skilled science educators
particularly in underserved areas. Infrastructure improvements include laboratory upgrades, internet connectivity and
community engagement. The proposal aims to create a strong foundation for scientifically literate and innovative society,
fostering a brighter future for the Philippines.

13. Research examples of indigenous science and technology in the Philippines

 Indigenous science and technology in the Philippines are deeply rooted in the culture and environment of various indigenous
communities. These systems include traditional agriculture practices, bamboo technology, traditional medicine and healing
practices, weaving and textile production, maritime knowledge. Indigenous communities have developed sophisticated
agricultural practices such as intricate rice terraces, bamboo technology and herbal remedies. They also have expertise in boat
building, utilizing traditional materials and methods. Their knowledge of local climate patterns and natural indicators guides
planting and harvesting activities. These indigenous knowledge systems highlight the connection between indigenous
communities and their natural environments, emphasizing sustainability, adaptation and resilience.

14.Explain how these examples have been used to solve problems and improve the lives of people in the Philippines.

 Indigenous science and technology in the Philippines have been used to address local challenges and improve the lives of
people, particularly within indigenous communities. Examples include traditional agriculture practices, bamboo technology,
traditional medicine and healing practices, weaving and textile production and maritime knowledge. These practices have been
adapted for eco-friendly housing, healthcare, fishing transportation, agricultural calendars and disaster preparedness. The
integration of indigenous knowledge not only addresses local challenges but also promotes cultural preservation, sustainability,
and economic opportunities. Recognizing and respecting these indigenous contributions is crucial for a more inclusive and
sustainable future in the Philippines.

15. Discuss the importance of preserving and promoting indigenous science and technology.

 Preserving and promoting indigenous science and technology is crucial for several reasons. It is essential for maintaining
cultural heritage, promoting sustainable practices, promoting biodiversity conversation, and addressing climate resilience.
Indigenous knowledge systems offer diverse perspectives on science, challenging conventional Western paradigms. Promoting
indigenous science and technology can empower indigenous communities economically and socially, creating income
generation opportunities through traditional crafts, medicines and agricultural products. Incorporating indigenous science and
technology into education enriches the educational experience for all learners, encouraging appreciation for diverse knowledge
systems and cultures. In conclusion, preserving and promoting indigenous science and technology is essential for a more
inclusive and harmonious society.

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