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What is Philosophy and Reading Literature?

Philosophy is the study of fundamental

questions about the nature of reality,
knowledge, ethics and existence while Reading
Literature is the act of engaging with written
works of fiction, non-fiction or poetry.
The Philosophy of Literature

Literature philosophy, a branch of aesthetics,

explores art, often focusing on plastic or musical arts.
It often overlooks formal qualities,
influencing philosophers' teaching methods and
addressing notional content.
Literature and Language

Literature, a creative art form, utilizes language to

convey ideas, emotions, and messages,
requiring mastery of symbols, words, and grammar to
evoke emotions and tell compelling stories.
The truth of fiction

Fiction's "truth" offers profound insights into human

condition, society,
and universal themes like love, loss, morality, and
power, serving as a powerful medium for social
Philosophical Poems

Philosophical poems are a form of poetry that delves

into intricate philosophical concepts,
often addressing issues like existence, morality,
knowledge, and the human condition.
Philosophical Fiction

Philosophical fiction, a genre that merges fiction with

philosophical themes, delves into intricate concepts
and dilemmas,
posing ethical, moral, and reality challenges in various
Philosophical Writing as Literature

Philosophical writing, also known as literature, is a

literary style that uses narrative, metaphor, and
storytelling to convey philosophical ideas,
making them accessible and engaging.
Philosophers in Literature

Philosophers in literature refers to the portrayal of

philosophers, their ideas, or themes in literary works,
often through characters as philosophers,
discussions, or exploration of philosophical concepts.
Fictional Philosophers

Fictional philosophers are fictional characters who

embody philosophers' characteristics, engaging in
philosophical discussions and deep questions about
life, ethics, and existence, allowing authors to explore
and convey philosophical ideas within a fictional
1. The study of fundamental questions about the nature of reality,
knowledge, ethics and existence.

2. The act of engaging with written works of fiction, non-fiction or


3. Fictional characters who embody philosophers’.

4. Form of poetry that delves into intricate philosophical concepts.

5. A branch of aesthetics, explores art, often focusing on plastic or

musical arts.

Möller, Hans-Georg (1999). "Zhuangzi's "Dream of the Butterfly": A Daoist Interpretation". Philosophy East
and West. 49 (4): 439–450. doi:10.2307/1399947. ISSN 0031-8221. JSTOR 1399947.

"The Philosophy Foundation - The Butterfly Dream". Retrieved 2020-07-05.

Dapía, Silvia G. (1999). "The Myth of the Framework in Borges's "Averroes' Search"". Variaciones Borges (7):
147–165. ISSN 1396-0482. JSTOR 24879540.

"Borges, The Universe And The Infinite Library". Retrieved 2020-07-05.
Ross, Ethan (2019-10-20), "The Intellectual Martian Society of "Stranger in a Strange Land" by Robert
Heinlein", Religion and Environmental Values in America, The Ohio State University, retrieved 2020-07-05

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