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Government & Politics

 Lecture 02

Instructor : Nasreen Akhtar

Role of politics in government affairs

Politics plays a crucial role in government

affairs as it is the mechanism through
which decisions are made, policies are
formulated, and governance is carried out.
Here are some key aspects of the role of
politics in government affairs
Policy Formulation
 Politicsis the process through which various
stakeholders, including elected
representatives, political parties, and
interest groups, negotiate and deliberate
on policies. The political landscape
influences the creation, modification, and
implementation of laws and regulations.

 Political processes determine how decisions

are made within a government. Elected
officials, who are often influenced by
political ideologies and public opinion,
engage in debates, negotiations, and voting
to reach decisions on important issues.

 Politics provides a means for citizens to be

represented in government. Through
elections, individuals choose
representatives who, ideally, reflect their
views and concerns. Political parties play a
significant role in presenting platforms and
candidates for voters to choose from.
Resource Allocation

 Politics guides the allocation of resources,

including budgetary decisions and the
distribution of public goods and services.
Political leaders make choices about
funding priorities, taxation, and
government spending based on their
political beliefs and the needs of the
Power Distribution

 Politicalstructures define the distribution

of power within a government. The
separation of powers, checks and balances,
and other political mechanisms aim to
prevent the concentration of power in any
one individual or branch of government.
Public Administration

Politics influences the selection and

functioning of public officials and
administrators. Political appointments,
civil service regulations, and
bureaucratic structures are shaped by
political decisions and considerations
International Relations

Politicsextends beyond national

borders to shape diplomatic relations
and foreign policy. Governments
engage in political negotiations,
treaties, and alliances that influence
global affairs.
Accountability and Transparency

 Politicalprocesses contribute to
accountability and transparency in
government. Elections, the media, and
other political mechanisms serve as checks
on government actions, helping to ensure
that leaders are accountable to the public.
Social Justice and Equity

Political decisions impact social justice

and equity, influencing policies related
to healthcare, education,
employment, and social welfare.
Political movements and activism play
a role in advocating for change and
addressing societal inequalities.
Conflict Resolution

Politicsprovides mechanisms for

resolving conflicts within and between
nations. Diplomacy, negotiations, and
international institutions are often
utilized to address political disputes
and maintain global stability.

In summary, politics is an inherent and

essential part of government affairs, shaping
the way decisions are made, resources are
allocated, and society is governed. The
effectiveness of government often depends on
the quality of its political processes and the
extent to which they reflect the values and
needs of the population.

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