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Group 4


Statement of the Problem
This study seeks to understand how frequent electricity blackouts in Masbate City affect
local businesses, examining their frequency, duration, causes, and the resulting economic,
operational, and social consequences. It also aims to evaluate the effectiveness of mitigation
strategies and compare experiences with other regions facing similar infrastructure
Spefically, it aims to answer the following question:
1. How do electricity blackouts in Masbate City affect the financial performance of
businesses, including revenue loss, increased expenses (such as generator fuel costs),
and potential long-term impacts on profitability and investment?
2. What operational challenges do businesses in Masbate City encounter during electricity
blackouts, such as disruptions to production schedules, delays in customer service,
inventory management issues, and impacts on supply chain logistics?
3. What are the most common mitigation strategies adopted by businesses in Masbate City
to cope with electricity blackouts, and how effective are these strategies in minimizing
the operational and financial impacts of power outages?
4. What are the potential long-term effects of recurring electricity blackouts on the
sustainability, growth, and investment prospects of businesses in Masbate City, including
their ability to attract investors, retain skilled workforce, and maintain competitiveness
in the market?
5. How do the impacts of electricity blackouts on businesses in Masbate City compare to
those experienced by businesses in other regions with similar infrastructure challenges,
both within the Philippines and internationally?
20XX presentation title 2
The ideal
• This topic is important for understanding the local economic dynamics and identifying
ways to improve resilience in the face of power disruptions.Firstly, it could lead to a deeper
understanding of how electricity blackouts specifically affect businesses in Masbate City,
shedding light on the types of businesses most affected and the specific challenges they
face. This understanding could inform the development of policies and strategies to
improve the resilience of businesses in the city to electricity blackouts, potentially leading
to more reliable and sustainable energy infrastructure. Additionally, businesses in Masbate
City could use the research findings to implement measures that improve their resilience to
electricity blackouts, reducing the negative impacts on their operations and finances.
Ultimately, by addressing the challenges posed by electricity blackouts, the research could
contribute to the overall economic development of Masbate City, creating a more stable and
attractive environment for businesses. Moreover, the research could contribute to the
broader body of knowledge on the impacts of electricity blackouts on businesses,
potentially benefiting other regions facing similar challenges through knowledge sharing.

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The consequence
• The research could reveal the extent of the economic losses incurred by
businesses in Masbate City due to electricity blackouts, highlighting the urgent
need for solutions to mitigate these losses. This could lead to increased pressure
on local authorities and utility providers to improve the reliability of electricity
supply in the city. Additionally, the research could uncover disparities in the
impact of electricity blackouts on different types of businesses, leading to calls
for more targeted support measures for vulnerable businesses. Moreover, the
findings of the research could attract the attention of policymakers at the
national level, leading to broader discussions on energy policy and
infrastructure development in the Philippines. Overall, the consequences of this
research topic could extend beyond Masbate City, influencing policy and
practice in the wider context of energy resilience and economic development in
the Philippines.

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The reality
• Gaining access to comprehensive and accurate data on the impact of
electricity blackouts on businesses in Masbate City may be difficult, as
businesses may be reluctant to share sensitive information or may not keep
detailed records of such impacts. Additionally, the research may face
logistical challenges, such as limited resources for conducting surveys or
interviews with businesses in the city. Furthermore, the findings of the
research may be met with skepticism or resistance from local authorities or
utility providers who may be reluctant to acknowledge the extent of the
problem or to take action to address it. Despite these challenges, conducting
research on this topic is crucial for gaining a better understanding of the
issue and for identifying potential solutions to improve the resilience of
businesses in Masbate City to electricity blackouts.

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