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Business Research Methods –

Lecture 1
What do you know about Research?
Search Vs Research
• Searching is the process of looking for specific information or
answers, typically using various tools and methods to find existing
knowledge or data.

• Research is a systematic and organized process of investigating,

gathering, analyzing, and generating new knowledge or insights on a
particular topic or problem.
Difference between Search and Research:
Few Examples – Search or Research
• ____ Conducting experiments to solve a problem.
• ____ Using a search engine to find information about a historical event.
• ____ Surveying a group of people to gather opinions on a new product.
• ____ Looking up the definition of a word in a dictionary.
• ____ Investigating the causes of climate change by analyzing scientific
• ____ Searching for a specific recipe to bake a cake.
• ____ Reading multiple books and articles to gather information on a topic.
• ____ Testing the effectiveness of a new medicine in clinical trials.
What is Research and Business Research?
• Research, a somewhat intimidating term for some, is simply the
process of finding solutions to a problem after a thorough study and
analysis of the situation factors.
• Business research can be described as a systematic and organized
effort to investigate a specific problem encountered in the work
setting, which needs a solution.
Primary Research and Secondary
6 Steps Research Process
1. Find a Topic
2. Gather Information
3. Evaluate what you have
4. Organize Information
5. Cite your sources properly
6. Present your study
Next Class Assignment
• Using the six steps process of Research, Present your assigned topic in
next class.

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