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Environmental Dangers

João Coelho 11ºc Nº17

Types of environmental risks, and what are they?

 Environmental risks are those caused by physical, chemical or biological

agents, present in the work environment, are capable of causing damage to
the health of the worker.

 1- Risk of accidents
 2- Risk of ergonomics
 3- Physical Risk
 4- chemical Hazard
 5- Biological Risk
causes of natural disasters
 Some of the causes of natural disasters are:

 1. Leaving garbage at sea, ships leaving oil at sea

 2. Leaving garbage on the street, on the roads, in the woods
 3. pollution from cars, planes, factories and from fires

 With these factors this causes the death of many people and many animals
and this is not what we want
countries with the highest environmental risk

 Vanuatu is the country most affected by environmental disasters so it has a

rate of 40%

 The country where these natural disasters almost never happen is Brazil with
a rate of 0.1%

 Portugal is in position 40 with a rate of 4%

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