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What is sentence?
A sentence is a group of words that you use to
communicate your ideas in writing or in speech. It
is a complete, independent unit of thought and
consists of two main parts: a subject and a

Subject Predicate
The subject is the word or group of words that
names the person, thing, or place that a sentence is
about. It is usually a noun or pronoun.

Subject Predicate
The pharmacists have many responsibilities
They have many responsibilities
The predicate makes a statement about the subject. It
consists of a verb and its modifiers or complements. The
verb is the most important part of the predicate. Meanwhile
a complement is a word or group of words used to complete
the meaning of the verb.

The pharmacists

Verb: Modifier/complement:
have many responsibilities
Types of Sentences
1. Question
What is pharmacist?
2. Statement
Pharmacist are healthcare professional that deal primarily
with dispensing medications and managing patient
medication regiment.
3. Command
Take your prescription to a nearby pharmacy!
4. Request
Can you help me with this?
5. Exclamation
What a big house you have!
How gorgeous you are!
Thank you

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