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Name :

Date : Subject : English

A. Circle the correct answer.

fireman soldier chef farmer nurse doctor

teacher vet sailor pilot mechanic farmer

B. Colour the correct answer.
land air water
water land air
air water land

air water land

land air water
water land air

C. Circle the correct answer.

traffic light

bus stop

school children crossing

no entry

D. Write the answer.
turtle dolphin lobster shark jellyfish whale

E. Fill in the blanks with the correct answer.

1. An elephant has a long _______ .
2. A tiger has a black _______ .

3. A bear has a sharp _______ . stripes

4. A giraffe has a long _________.

F. Write the answer.
baju kurung muruku saree ang pow
cheongsam ketupat

Chinese New Year Hari Raya Deepavali

G. Rearrange the words to form a sentences.

1. a is tiger. This

2. eating an is apple. Elina

3. is Dani crying.

4. teacher. a I am

H. Fill in the correct answer.

Today is a sunny day. Today is a rainy day.
Today is a cloudy day. Today is a windy day.

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