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By Ms. Nadine Fahmy
Lets think of what the following pictures
Previous picture is Tumble (Verb)

• Meaning: to fall or roll quickly and without control

Example: The Apples tumbled from the fruits basket.

Can you guess what is the next word?
You guessed it right.
• Scared (Adjective)

frightened or worried or afraid from something.

Example: He's scared of spiders.

Meaning: someone who is in the same class as you at school

Example: Yazan is my Classmate.

Practicing (Verb)

To keep doing the same thing again and again until you succeed in it.

• Example: I will keep practicing my script till the

end of year performance.
Pronounce (Verb)

Meaning: to say a word or a letter in a particular way:

Example: How do you pronounce your surname?44444

Community (Noun)

Meaning: The people living in one particular area or people who are considered
as a unit because of their common interests, social group, or nationality:
Contribute (verb)

to give something, especially money, in order to provide or achieve something

together with other people:

Meaning: Come to the meeting if you feel you have something to contribute.
Different (Adjective)
Meaning: not the same
Example: We're reading a different book this week
Proud (Adjective)
Meaning: feeling pleasure and satisfaction because you or people connected with
you have done or got something good:
-Ms Nadine is very proud of her students because they are doing their best.

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