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What are the 7P’s of

 Are you familiar on how baker produced pandesal?
 Determine the steps in producing pandesal. Arrange the table below.
Roll in breadcrumbs and arrange on baking trays in cut side up manner
Preheat oven at 175°C (350°C).
Bake for 12-15 minutes or until golden brown.
Knead the dough, place in bowl, cover with damp cheesecloth and
leave for two hours.
Mix all ingredients.
Divide the dough depending on your desired size.
At the end of the lesson, the students are expected
to :
1. Determine the 4M’s of production;
2. Described each of the 4M’s in relation to the
Business opportunity; and
3. Apply the 4M’s of production in the chosen business
Ford’s assembly line in 1913- The operators performed assembly process by putting the small part to the wheel. If you want to
improve this process or the quality of final product, how 4M help you?
You know that the Output (final product or
productivity of this process) and its expectation
(quality meet customer specification) is influenced by
the operators (Man) and their individual assembling
skills, the conveyors surface, supporting tools
(Machine), the standard operating procedure
(Process), quality of the materials, etc.,
Let’s group to different categories :
Short Quiz
Direction: Encircle the letter of your choice.
1. Which of the following refers to the human workforce involved in the manufacture of products?

A. Materials B. Method C. Machine D. Manpower

2. The 4M’s of production are as follows except ONE. Which one is it?
A. Management B. Manpower C. Method D. Machine

3. It represents the final products from the production process and distributed to the customers.

A. Input B. Supplies C. Output D. Materials

4.Which of the following refers to the manufacturing equipment used in the production of goods or delivery of
A. Machine B. Manpower C. Method D. Materilas

5.It refers to the process or technique of converting raw materials to finished products.

A. Machine B. Manpower C. Method D. Materials

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