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A tourist destination

• I'm going to tell you about the trip I took to Paris: I went 3 years ago
with my family. My experience there was a bit unpleasant, the people
were not very friendly since we spoke to them in English or Spanish
and they answered us in French, they made no effort to understand us.
It was a quite expensive city compared to other countries: The food,
the entrance to museums, the supermarket... But the city itself was
beautiful, The Loubre, The Walk along the Seine, The Eiffel Tower,
• I was there for 3 days but I still had time to see the whole city. The second day I went on a
tour of myths and legends and they told us very interesting things: It is said that the
architect who created the Notredam gate made a pact with the devil because he designed
the gate in one night and if you look Well on the door appears 666 which is the number of
the devil, they also created several tortures such as one where they put a burning metal
circle and some rats inside the circle so the rats could only escape by eating your skin and
there was a very interesting one that went from There were two stores on a corner, one on
one side and the other on the other, the stores were a bakery and the other a hair salon, the
owners were good friends and the baker ran out of meat to make his meat buns and how
They were at war, it was very expensive. So what they did was a secret passage under the
two stores so that they could meet and so the hairdresser killed his clients and the baker
used them to make buns, well at first the business was going well for them but once a
student came with his dog, the dog stayed outside waiting but when he saw that his owner
did not come out the dog started barking and a neighbor called the police to see what was
happening there, well they finally discovered them and sent them to jail.

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