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Introduction to Transport

Layer and Session Layer

The transport layer and session layer are vital components of the OSI model,
responsible for ensuring the smooth transfer of data and maintaining
communication sessions.

by Aluxy tiwari
Common Issues Faced in Transport Layer

1 Packet Loss
Packet loss can occur due to network congestion or faulty network devices.

2 Latency
Latency issues can lead to delays and slow data transfer.

3 Out-of-Order Packets
Out-of-order packets can disrupt the sequence of transmitted data.
Common Issues Faced in Session Layer
1 Connection Failure
Session establishment failures can interrupt the communication process.

2 Session Hijacking
Unauthorized interception of communication sessions can compromise data security.

3 Resource Contention
Contention for session resources may lead to performance degradation.
Impact of Transport Layer Issues on
Network Performance
Throughput Reduction Network Congestion

Packet loss and latency can significantly reduce Out-of-order packets and other issues can lead to
data throughput. network congestion.

Quality of Service (QoS) Affected

Session layer issues may impact service quality

and user experience.
Impact of Session Layer Issues on Network
Data Integrity Compromised Service Disruption

Session hijacking can compromise the integrity of Connection failures can disrupt the continuity of
transmitted data. network services.

Resource Bottlenecks

Contention for session resources may lead to

Techniques to Troubleshoot Transport
Layer Issues
1 Packet Sniffing 2 Performance Testing
Use network analyzers to capture and Conduct tests to identify latency and
analyze packet data. throughput issues.

3 Quality of Service (QoS) Monitoring

Monitor QoS metrics to detect and address network performance problems.
Techniques to Troubleshoot Session Layer
Session Security Auditing Resource Allocation
Reestablishment Optimization
Conduct regular audits to
Implement mechanisms to identify and mitigate Optimize resource
automatically reestablish session security risks. allocation to reduce
interrupted sessions. contention and bottlenecks.
Conclusion and Key Takeaways

Understand Layer Implement Robust Continuous

Interaction Monitoring Improvement
Recognize the Deploy comprehensive Regularly update protocols
interdependence between monitoring systems for early and processes to enhance
transport and session layers. issue detection. network performance.

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