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Group Assignment 1


Jasir Ahmed Harish Ghori
Asadullah Jabir Aisha Khan
Vinat Kumar Saqib
Muhammad Ubaid Akram Mustafa Ali
Social Trend
Emerging Trend:
Personalized Learning:
It has became one of the megatrend of todays age. It revolves around one person's preferred learning choices. There are many

platforms that are provided to these individuals, these are developed to identify the students skills to help them in learning process.

Some of these platforms are EdApp , Khanmigo and many more.

Mental health
Mental health compiles our emotional, psychological, and social well-being, impacting how we think, feel, and behave. COVID-19

has led to a surge in mental illnesses such as depression, eating disorders, addictions, and anxiety. Educational institutions are

addressing this issue by emphasizing the importance of mental health awareness in schools and colleges made it as a part of quality

Economical Trend

Emerging Trend:

Skill-based Economy
The skill-based economy prioritizes adaptable expertise over traditional qualifications, emphasizing versatile skills like digital literacy and
problem-solving. It encourages continuous learning to stay competitive in a dynamic job market, shaping a workforce focused on evolving
expertise rather than static degrees.

Globalization Of Education
It refers to the services signifies the international reach of educational institutions, offering diverse learning experiences across borders. It
facilitates cultural exchange, breaking geographical barriers for students to access quality education globally. This trend encourages
collaboration among institutions, fostering a more interconnected and accessible learning landscape
Environmental Trend

Emerging Trend:
Sustainable Education Practices
Sustainable education practices advocate for eco-conscious learning methods, integrating environmental awareness into curricula and campus
operations. They emphasize teaching on sustainability, fostering eco-friendly behaviors, and promoting environmental stewardship among
students. These practices aim to instill a sense of responsibility and prepare future generations to address global environmental challenges
within their educational journey .

Environmental Literacy Integration
It entails infusing ecological knowledge into diverse educational subjects, nurturing a deep understanding of sustainability and environmental
impact. It aims to empower individuals with the tools to comprehend, evaluate, and address environmental challenges, fostering a culture of
responsible decision-making and proactive environmental stewardship. Virtual and Augmented Reality (VR/AR) tools. It will revolutionize
education by creating immersive learning experiences, allowing students to interact with subjects in simulated environments. They enhance
engagement, enabling hands-on learning and visualization of complex concepts.
Technological Trend

Emerging Trends
Virtual and Augmented Reality (VR/AR):
It revolutionize education by creating immersive learning experiences, allowing students to interact with subjects in
simulated environments. They enhance engagement, enabling hands-on learning and visualization of complex concepts
across various disciplines. VR/AR applications in education expand accessibility and offer innovative ways

Artificial Intelligence Revolutionizing Learning Systems:
Artificial Intelligence (AI) transforms learning systems by personalizing education through adaptive learning algorithms,
catering to individual student needs and learning styles. It automates administrative tasks, allowing educators to focus
more on tailored teaching methods and student support and in assignments of students

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