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Evaluating Sources: CARS

Is your web source

▪ Credible
▪ Accurate
▪ Reliable
▪ Supported

▪ See handout, analyze 1 source YOU used.

▪ Sometimes you may use a non-credible
source, if you are quoting an opinion and state
it as such in your paper.
Evaluating Internet Sources
1. Do NOT use Wikipedia as a cited source.
1. Anyone can change anything.
2. It changes frequently.
3. It’s a good first stop for general info, but it is
not a reliable source.
4. You CAN use the reference list at the bottom
of a Wikipedia page as a starting point.
Evaluating Internet Sources
2. Sources that end in .edu or .gov are
usually reliable.
1. They are usually primary sources. This
means that the source has been
created by the group doing the
research or surveys.
2. These sources are edited by
professionals, assessed, and have
quality control.
Evaluating Internet Sources
3. BEWARE of…
a) .org= organization
a) They may be trying to sell you something or
to change your beliefs.
b) .com= company/ commercial
a) They also may be trying to sell you
something or to change your beliefs.
c) .net= network
a) Anyone can purchase these.
• Credible
• Accurate
• Reliable
• Supported
CARS for Evaluating
Must Cite in 2 places:
1) In-text
2) Works Cited Page

In the body of the paper, it looks like this:

When Mercutio is wounded, he screams “A plague on both

your houses!” referring to both the Capulets and the Montagues
(Shakespeare 70).

Works Cited
Shakespeare, William. Romeo and Juliet. New York: Scholastic, Inc., 1969. Print.
Quotation Punctuation

▪ Period goes AFTER the quote

Citation: use 1st thing in the Works

Cited page (usually author’s last
name or article title)
When in-text
citing this
source, put Works Cited
Halio, Jay L., "Elizabethan Age." Grolier Multimedia Encyclopedia. Scholastic
When in-text citing
Library Publishing, 2006. HF-L High School. 1 Apr 2006. Web.
this source, put
(“Home Life”)
When in-text
“Home Life” Life
citing thisin Elizabethan England. Summer 2005. 31 Mar 2006. Web.
source, put
When in-text
citing this
Pressley, J. M. "An Encapsulated
source, putBiography." Shakespeare Resource Center,
2005. 3(Shakespear
Mar 2006 <>.
citing this e)
Shakespeare, put Romeo and Juliet. New York: Scholastic, Inc., 1969. Print.
Thomas, Heather. The Life in Times of Queen Elizabeth I. 23 Mar 2006. 1 Apr
2006 . Web. <>.
Works Cited
▪ Use
▪ Make sure ALL information is correct
▪ Works Cited goes on its OWN PAGE,
inside your document (last page)
• Do NOT trust Microsoft! It uses MLA 2007
Evaluating Sources: CARS
Is your web source
▪ Credible
▪ Accurate
▪ Reliable
▪ Supported

▪ See handout, analyze 1 source YOU used.

▪ Sometimes you may use a non-credible
source, if you are quoting an opinion and state
it as such in your paper.

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