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• Welcome to the presentation on Hardware

Infrastructure and Passive Maintenance:

Ensuring Optimal System Performance. In
Introducció this presentation, we will discuss the
importance of hardware infrastructure and
n passive maintenance in maintaining high
system performance. We will also explore
key strategies and best practices to ensure
optimal performance. Let's get started!

• Hardware infrastructure forms the

foundation of any system. It
includes servers, storage devices,
networking equipment, and more.
Proper selection and regular
maintenance of hardware
components are crucial for optimal
system performance. This slide will
delve into the key aspects of
hardware infrastructure and its
impact on overall system
• Passive maintenance refers to the routine tasks
that help prevent hardware failures and ensure
system longevity. Regular cleaning, proper
ventilation, and temperature control are some of
the essential practices. This slide will discuss the
importance of passive maintenance and provide
practical tips for implementing it effectively
• In conclusion, hardware infrastructure
and passive maintenance play a critical
role in ensuring optimal system
performance. By following best practices,
CONCLUSION monitoring hardware health, and
implementing redundancy measures,
organizations can minimize downtime,
improve reliability, and achieve maximum

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