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Digital Literacy

Our Team
1.Ilma Nafi’a 21188203009
2.Zakiah 21188203014
The Internet is an incredible resource for news and information, but
unfortunately not everything online is trustworthy. Fake news is any
article or video containing untrue information disguised as a credible
news source. While fake news is not unique to the Internet, it has
recently become a big problem in today’s digital world.
The issue at hand is the proliferation of fake news in
today's digital world. Fake news refers to articles or
videos containing untrue information presented as
credible news sources. This misinformation often
spreads rapidly through social media platforms, leading
to widespread confusion and misinformation among
Fake news has become a significant problem due to the ease of
dissemination on the internet and social media. The
sensationalized headlines and provocative content of fake news
stories attract attention and are often shared without critical
evaluation. Consequently, fake news undermines trust in
legitimate news sources, distorts public discourse, and
contributes to societal polarization.
who and whom?
Fake news is created by individuals or organizations
with various motives. Some writers produce fake news
to further a social or political agenda, while others do it
for financial gain through advertising revenue. The
profitability of fake news incentivizes writers to
continue producing misleading content, perpetuating
the problem.
How ?
Fake news spreads through social media platforms, where
users share articles without verifying the accuracy of the
information. The virality of fake news is fueled by
sensational headlines that evoke strong emotions, leading to
increased engagement and dissemination. Additionally, the
anonymity of online platforms allows fake news writers to
operate with impunity, making it challenging to regulate the
spread of misinformation.
0ur opinion
The proliferation of fake news poses a significant threat
to society, as it erodes trust in credible information
sources and undermines informed decision-making.
Addressing this issue requires a multi-faceted approach
involving technological interventions, regulatory
measures, and media literacy education. Individuals
must cultivate critical thinking skills and fact-checking
habits to discern between reliable and false information.
Conclusion & solution
Combatting fake news requires collective action from online platforms,
governments, and individuals. Online giants like Google and Facebook
must continue to implement measures to identify and mitigate fake news
on their platforms. Governments should enact regulations to hold fake
news creators accountable and promote transparency in online content.
Additionally, media literacy education programs should be implemented
to empower individuals to critically evaluate information and combat the
spread of misinformation. By working together, we can mitigate the
impact of fake news and uphold the integrity of information
dissemination in the digital age.

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