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Ethics in

Prof ( Dr) C M

• Resea rch and its, importance

,. Research in Ethics
• Need of ethics in research
• Objectives in Res earch Eth i cs

• Declaration of ethical princi'ples


• General Gu delines
• General Ethical Prindpes of ICMR
Why Researc,h is done?

For advance,ment- whi,ch is already known shoulid be eva uated


To further knowlledge in a particular area

To increase, unde1rstanding

To invent or develop new strategies, equpment 1s1 etc.

Research Ethics
• Ethics are the mo,ral that govern a person's behavior.

• Resea rch ethics may be referred to as doing what is morally and legaUy right i
resea u:h.
• :Resea rch ethics is concern ed with the responsi bilirty of tlh e re·.sea rchers to
honest and resp ectful to all the individuals who are involved In research

• It should not, infHct ha rm on resea,rcher as. well as. resea rch subjects.
• Res.earch ethics provides1 guidelines for the responsible
conduct of
biomedica resea
• rch .
It educates and monitors sdentists/rese.archers conducting research
to ensure a high ethical standa rd
• It involves application o:f fundamenta ethical prindples to a variety of
topics invol ving :scientific res.earch .
Objectiv,e.s in Researc.h
• To protect human p.artidpants
• To ensure that resea rch is conducted i1 n a way that serves
interests of
ind ivid ual s, grou ps arnd/or s.odety as a who e
To examine· spedfic resea,rch activi1 :ties and profiects for their ethical
s·oundness, lookin,g: at issues such as mana.gement of :risk,protection
of confident]ality and process of informed ·consent:.

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