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Sharing Folder
Remote Desktop
Can i share files from PC to
another PC using LAN cable?

You can transfer files from PC to PC in various ways,

such as through a USB flash drive, external hard drive,
cloud storage service, email, WiFi, or an Ethernet
cable. LAN/Ethernet cables are recommended for
effectively sharing large files between PCs.
Advantages of using LAN cable to transfer files.

When you get a new computer, you'll have to transfer files between them. If you only need
to transfer a small number of files, USB flash drives are a good option. However, if there are
a large number of files to transfer, an Ethernet cable may be more efficient.
An Ethernet cable offers the following advantages
over USB flash drives:
• More suitable for large file transfers: When you transfer data via Ethernet cable, there is
no capacity limit.

• Faster transfer speed: The physical connection between computers via Ethernet cable
accelerates data transfer.

• Avoid the repetitive task of plugging and unplugging USB flash drives: Furthermore, you
will not be concerned about connection issues or spend extra time repairing a pen drive
that is not detected on the computer.
How to Transfer File/Folder using
LAN Cable
How to Transfer File/Folder using LAN

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Direction: The quiz consists of 7 multiple-choice and 3 open-ended questions. Read the
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Roxanne, & Cedric. (2023, December 8). How to Transfer Files from PC to PC Using Ethernet Cable. EaseUS.,access

Lily. (2024, February 23). How Do I Transfer Files from PC to PC Using Ethernet Cable?

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