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Travel through time and

Table of contents
• Time and space in our daily lives
• Fairy story in ancient China
• Dangers of travelling through a wormhole.
• Examples of wormholes.
• Fun facts about wormholes
This is a picture of laoshan daoshi 崂山
Fairy tale of Sun
wukong travelling
through space in the
world very very fast.
Time travel is possible, just not in the way
you might expect.
• Wormholes like this could form when two masses apply enough force in space-
time to create a tunnel connecting distant points.
• We already have several spacecraft on escape trajectories, meaning
they're leaving the solar system and they are never coming back .

• . This is Stephen hawking one of the two

famous cosmology

This is Albert Einstein

The idea of wormholes is not new. Its origins
reach back to 1935 (and even earlier).
• Worms holes were known as Einstein-Rosen bridge earlier. The name
‘wormhole’ came up later.
• Time travel to the past is theoretically possible in certain general
relativity spacetime geometries that allows travelling faster than the
speed of light.
These are some pictures
and gif of wormholes
Dangers of travelling through a wormhole
• We humans will die while travelling through a wormhole unless the
wormhole was thoroughly cleaned out and everything else blocked
from entering it, any particles falling in would mean certain death.
• Whenever you travel close to the speed of light, any particle or
anything that you hit will be problematic meaning very dangerous.
Fun facts about wormholes
• No matter how far the distance between the two ends, wormholes
are still able to connect together.
• Without exotic matter any particles that pass through the wormhole
can cause the wormhole to collapse immediately.
• Scientists estimated at about the year 2200, we should have enough
technology to create our first man-made wormhole.
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