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• Customer lifecycle management (CLM) is closely entwined

with customer relationship management (CRM) and is
ultimately a culmination of multiple customer-related metrics
businesses monitor over time.

• It consists of assigning metrics to each stage of the consumer

lifecycle and analyzing them to better understand performance.

• This is where potential customers first learn about our brand and what WE offer

• This could be through marketing campaigns, social media, word-of-mouth, or

simply coming across your product in a store

• The client may not have an immediate need to solve, but the goal is that in the
future, they can associate with Our brand to find a solution.

• While the prior stage created a loose association between the brand and a
customer’s need, the acquisition stage deepens that association

• In this stage, customers learn more about the company’s offerings from
visits to the website, conversations with sales representatives or by
experiencing or testing products in a store.

• This is the stage where customers purchase a product or service

• It is important to understand the customers’ key purchasing criteria,

then position products to have a clear advantage over competitive

• Now that a new customer has been acquired, the focus is to help the customer
derive satisfaction and value from the product and services

• A company can achieve this by using surveys and phone calls to understand
customer satisfaction and address any issues that arise

• Customer retention is important as studies show that retaining existing customer

costs less than acquiring new ones

• In the loyalty stage, satisfied customers continue using the product or continue renewing
their term for subscription-based offerings

• Loyal customers may opt for additional services or purchase higher-priced options. In
addition, loyal customers will recommend the products or services to colleagues, friends
and family

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