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Say: I seek refuge with the Lord of
mankind, The King of mankind,
The God of Mankind, From the
mischief of the whisperer who
withdraws, Who whispers into the
hearts of mankind, Among jinns
and among mankind. (Sura 114)

This surah was revealed to help Holy

Prophet(SAW) in protecting himself from
black magic.

Who committed black magic?

According to traditions there was a Jew

named Labid bin Asim. His two daughter
committed black magic onProphet(SAW).
Back ground

How did Holy Prophet(SAW) come to know

about it?

One day while sleeping, holy prophet got to

know about this incident, in his dream.

He saw two angels in his dream. One was

asking about what had happened to prophet.
Another one informed him about the black
magic being casted on him by the daughters of

On what object was the black magic committed on?

On his hair & teeth of his comb.

How did the jews manage to get them?

Through a jewish servant of Holy Prophet(SAW)


Angel also informed Holy

prophet about the place where
the hair of holy prophet were
tied and buried.
Angel informed holy prophet
that his hair were placed in a
well named Dehrwan,
underneath a stone.

 Holy prophet went to find out those hair with his

companions, Hz.Ali, Hz.Zubayr & Hz.Ammar bin Yasir.
 They drained the well & brought out the objects.

 also found a string with 11 knots tied on it. The twin surahs
were then revealed. Holy Prophet(SAW) recited them

 Holy prophet then untied the knots tied on the hair and
recited the twin surahs i.e. Surah Falaq and Surah Nas to
come out of the magic spell.

 This is how Holy prophet got rid of the magic spell.

Pattern of Surahs

(a) briefly describe the main theme(s) in

each passage [2]

(b) briefly explain the importance of these

themes in a Muslim’s life today. [2]

(altogether 4 mark for 1 surah)

Marking Scheme

This is the last Surah of the Quran which highlights

Allah’s relations with Human kind. This passage
focuses on three important aspects of man’s relation
with Allah lordship, sovereignty and divinity.
Developing this association with Allah, will help a
believer to guard against the temptations, incursion
of Satan and host of men and Jinns who are bent
upon attacking the faith of believers.
 This Surah further asks us to seek refuge from the evil of the
whisperer who repeatedly whispers evil suggestion into
 hearts of mankind. It is the tendency of the Satan to whisper
wicked thoughts then withdraw as soon as Allah
 Almighty is remembered.
 The evil forces mislead man from the right path. Therefore,
Quran says, “O my Lord! I seek refuge with You from
 the suggestion of the evil ones.” (23:97).
 The supreme omnipotent, and the powerful nature of Allah
Almighty can
 grant protection against all such evils since He is the most
exalted in glory

 This Surah emphasizes upon the unfailing strength of

Almighty Allah to provide refuge to man against all forces
of evils. It shows that Allah Almighty is Omnipotent,
omniscient and the only one upon whom a person can rely
 It also teaches us to seek refuge from the evil forces, which
cause to mislead man from the right path. When a person
remembers Allah, the devils holds back, but when he
becomes unmindful of remembrance of Allah the devil
again comes forward. The act of evil whispering may be
done by the devil and his helpers or evil temptation within
man himself.
Believers must remember that Allah alone is the
Master, Lord and King of all humans and therefore,
has full powers to give them protection against evil
forces and Satan
The Holy Prophet (SAW) used to recite Surah Falaq
and Surah Al-Nas to guard against evils after his
enemies had cast magic spells on him.
He also advised his followers to recite this Surah
before going to bed every night.

It was revealed on Holy Prophet(SAW) when

magic was casted on him.Allah sent surah-e-
Falaq and Nas collectively known as
Muazzatein(2 surahs for asking refuge of
Holy Prophet(SAW) recited these surahs and
came out of the effect of the magic.
 Theme

 It indicates mans’ threefold relation with Allah.

 He is the Lord of Mankind that is the Creator, Cherisher,

Sustainer of mankind.

 Being the Creator of everything, has control over every


 He has the power and ability to protect humans from the

various evils of the world, from jinn and mankind.

The satan who is an open enemy of men try

to put evil thoughts & ideas into the minds
& hearts of the people either by himself or
by wicked human or the devilish jinns.

Allah being the King has the authority to

overthrow these bad ideas from the mind
of His people.

He provides shelter to the man- kind

from the tricks and mischiefs of
disturbing and fearsome

Thus man is required to turn towards

Allah for seeking His refuge.

Surah Falaq also teaches us that

Allah is the source of protection.

We should turn towards Allah for

getting protection from all kinds of

A muslim should strengthen his

relationship with Allah in order to
remove all kinds of fears and doubts
from his mind.

He should get rid of the satanic

thoughts by coming closer to Allah.

The Surah kafiroon,surah

ikhlas,Surah Falaq and surah Nas are
recited for protection.

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