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Group Member:
Kai Sheng
Jun En
Zhan Hym
Never take wine to a dinner party
• Your host has carefully chosen the wine for the evening. By bringing your own wine, you
may inadvertently imply that you don’t trust the host’s taste in wine, or that you would
prefer your own.

• Interestingly, flowers can also be controversial. Moreover, if you decide to go down the
flower route, avoid chrysanthemums as the French associate it with death.
Kiss, Kiss

 In France, most residents practice the double kiss greeting, i.e. a glancing
kiss on each cheek. And, there are regions, particularly in northern France,
where people favor four kisses – even five. This can catch visitors off-guard,
as can potential awkwardness around which cheek to present first!

 Kiss, Kiss is already 6 Years ago

 The Kiss, Kiss is given to Say hello and Goodbye

Grab a baguette

 From ficelle to brioche and pain de champagne, France’s famous boulangeries are filled to the brim with
fresh loaves, croissants, and pastries. In a country where classic baguette dough is actually defined by
French law, you know the residents take their bread very seriously. In addition, in France, bread is often
placed directly on the table rather than a plate.

 Grab a baguette is already 103 years ago

Try and arrive at least 15 to 20 minutes late
• While in many countries this is considered rude, in France it’s an unspoken rule. Guests
will always arrive a little late – lest they surprise their host in the middle of the
preparations. Of course, this only applies to dinner parties though. Please be punctual
for restaurant reservations.

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