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Principles of Business


A leader is a person who influences a group

of people towards achieving of a goal.
What is meant by Leadership?

Leadership refers to the ability

of a person or art (process) to
motivate or influence others to
work constructively towards
the effectiveness and success
of the organisation in which
they are involved.
Attributes/Features of a Good Leader
Characteristics of a Good Leader
Characteristics of a Good Leader
Leadership Styles

• Autocratic (or Authoritarian) Leadership – one who takes decisions

alone, with no discussion.
• Democratic (or participative) Leadership – one who engages in
discussion with workers before taking decisions.
• Paternalistic leadership – literally meaning ‘father like’, such a leader
will listen, explain issues and consult with the workforce but not allow
them to take the final decision.
• Bureaucratic Leadership – one who uses rigid and complex rules and
procedures to direct and lead the organisation
• Laissez-faire Leadership – one who leaves colleagues to get on with
their work, so there is no supervision or control.
Features of Autocratic Leadership
Advantages and Disadvantages
Advantages and Disadvantages
Feature of Charismatic Leadership
Leadership styles
Features of the leadership styles
Features of the Leadership Styles
Features of the Leadership Styles

1. Identify three features of the following leadership styles

- Democratic
- Autocratic
- Laisser faire
2. Give another name for democratic and autocratic leadership style
3. Identify one country that utilizes the democratic and autocratic
leadership style
4. Differentiate between democratic and autocratic leadership style
5. Name five characteristics of a good leader

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