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les objectifs

Learn about the verb ‘jouer’ (to play)

and some sports
Fais les paires dans ton cahier d'exercices
1) Je a) They (masculine)
2) Tu b) We
3) Il c) You (one person, familiar]
4) Elle d) You (one person, formal and you plural)
5) On e) I
6) Nous f) They (feminine)
7) Vous g) He (or ‘it’ for masculine nouns)
8) Ils h) We
9) Elles i) She (or ‘it’ for feminine nouns)
Regular –er verbs, present tense

1. The present tense describes

A) what we do generally - I play
B) or what we are doing now - I am playing

Verbs ending in –er are the biggest group of verbs in French


2) The -er part of the verb is called an infinitive and it means eg 'to play'
Regular –er verbs
3) You can never put a person (je, Il, elle, ma soeur...) before an infinitive as this
would not make sense
Je jouer = I to play ( aaaaaaaaaaaaaargh)

4) We must conjugate (change) the infinitive so its ending matches the person.

a) Find the verb you need (eg to play = jouer)

b) Remove the –er ending (this leaves the stem, 'jou')
c) Add the following endings:
Jouer : to play
• Je joue • I play, I am playing
• Tu joues • You play, you are playing
• Il, elle, on joue • He, she plays, is playing (people, you are playing
• Nous jouons • We play, we are playing
• Vous jouez • You play, you are playing
• Ils, elles jouent • They play, they are playing
10 minute clip explaining –er verbs
Jouer to play
infinitive -er verb- regular

Kerboodle page soixante-six:
• The verb ‘jouer’ means to play and is usually followed
by: 'au’ = at
I play at = je joue au

Don’t miss ‘at’ out!

1. Most sports are masculine:
Je joue au tennis / au cricket / au volley

2. If the sport is plural we use 'aux'

Je joue aux cartes (I play cards)

3 If the sport is feminine we use ' à la'

Je joue à la pétanque
1. Marc joue au basket
2) write out the correct
version in complete
Je j___ Tu j____ Il j____ Elle j___ On j___ Nous Vous Ils j____ Elles
au au au au au j_____ au j____ au au j____ au




By now you will have noticed...
• The spelling of the verb 'jouer' changes, according to who is doing the
action of the verb – which person.

The changes in the spelling of ‘jouer’ are the same for many thousands
of French verbs (eg regarder, écouter, …)

• Let's revise the persons of the verb

Tu joues au foot / au cricket / au badminton /
au tennis / au tennis de table / au squash?
Oui, je joue au... j'adore le foot/ rugby / tennis

Non je NE joue PAS au … je déteste le badminton/le volley...

Mais = but
les objectifs

1. Use ‘quand’ (when) to create interesting sentences with weather.

1 minute clip of parler + possessive
Dans votre cahier d'exerice, fais les paires! 1 = ?e?
1. Je reste à la maison a) I play (at) football
2. J’écoute de la musique b) I watch a film
3. Je joue aux jeux-vidéo c) I stay at home
4. Je joue au foot d) I listen to music
5. Je regarde un film e) I play video games
Now lets look at making some amazing sentences using
‘quand’ = ‘when’.
Read this box (Kerboodle page 65)
‘Quand il pleut je...
1. Quand il fait beau… 1. je reste à la maison
2. Quand il fait mauvais
3. Quand il pleut… 2. j’écoute de la musique
4. Quand il neige
5. Quand il y a du soleil 3. je regarde un film
6. Quand il y a du brouillard
7. Quand il y a du vent 4. je joue aux jeux-vidéo
8. Quand il fait chaud
9. Quand il fait froid 5. je joue au ...
10.Quand il y a des nuages
Now go to page 66 and click on the arrow to
do these activities on pronunciation
Click on the link below to join our class on the Seneca website
(HPs to those boys who have a go!)
Class code:aa1nsqhrz3

I have set you an

assignment on there for
sports and the verb jouer.

Please work through it for

at least 15 minutes to get
used to the site. You can
spend longer exploring
the site if you wish...

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