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Law, Custom & Rules


The principles and regulations established in a

community by some authority and applicable to
its people, whether in the form of legislation or
of custom and policies recognized and enforced
by judicial decision.
• An action or way of behaving that is usual and traditional among the
people in a particular group or place.
• Societal customs often begin out of habit. A man clasps the hand of
another upon first greeting him. The other man—and perhaps still others
who are observing— take note. When they meet someone on the street
later, they extend a hand. After a while, the handshaking action becomes
habitual and takes on a life of its own.
• The customary beliefs, social forms, and material traits of a racial,
religious, or social group also : the characteristic features of everyday
existence (such as diversions or a way of life) shared by people in a place
or time

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