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GE E 104

 The concept of technology has evolved throughout the years. As the
rate of human progress increased, society has adapted in such a
way that technology no longer appeals to mechanical or electrical
systems alone. The term technology has presently included
advancements in communication and how information is handled,
thus enabling governments, organizations, industries, and common
individuals to improve on their decision-making, business processes,
and everyday living.
 When do we use the term ICT and how does
it differ from IT?
 ICT, or Information Communications Technology, is often used in a
more general sense, described as using computers and other
digital technologies to assist individuals or institutions in handling
or using information. ICT is technology that supports activities
involving information such as gathering, processing, storing, and
presenting data.
Applications of ICT (Computers) in Our
Daily Lives
 1. BUSINESS - Almost every business uses computers nowadays. They
can be employed to store and maintain accounts, personnel records,
manage projects, track inventory, create presentations and reports.
They enable communication with people both within and outside the
business, using various technologies, including e-mail.

 2. EDUCATION - Computers can be used to give learners audio-visual

packages, interactive exercises, and remote learning, including
tutoring over the internet. They can be used to access educational
information from intranet and internet sources, or via e-books
Applications of ICT (Computers) in Our
Daily Lives
 3. HEALTHCARE - continues to be revolutionized by computers. As well
as digitized medical information making it easier to store and access
patient data, complex information can also be analyzed by software to
aid discovery of diagnoses, as well as search for risks of diseases.
Computers control lab equipment, heart rate monitors, and blood
pressure monitors.
 4. RETAIL AND TRADE – Computers can be used to buy and sell products
online - this enables sellers to reach a wider market with low overheads,
and buyers to compare prices, read reviews, and choose delivery
preferences. They can be used for direct trading and advertising too,
using sites such as eBay, Craigslist, or local listings on social media or
independent websites.
Applications of ICT (Computers) in Our
Daily Lives
 6. MARKETING - Computers enable marketing campaigns to be more
precise through the analysis and manipulation of data. They facilitate
the creation of websites and promotional materials. They can be used
to generate social media campaigns. They enable direct communication
with customers through email and online chat.
 7. SCIENCE - Scientists were one of the first groups to adopt computers
as a work tool. In science, computers can be used for research, sharing
information with other specialists both locally and internationally, as
well as collecting, categorizing, analyzing, and storing data.
Applications of ICT (Computers) in Our
Daily Lives
 8. PUBLISHING - Computers can be used to design pretty much any type of
publication. These might include newsletters, marketing materials, fashion
magazines, novels, or newspapers. Computers are used in the publishing of
both hard-copy and e-books.
 9. ARTS AND ENTERTAINMENT - Computers are now used in virtually every
branch of the arts, as well as in the wider entertainment industry.
Computers can be used to create drawings, graphic designs, and paintings.
They can be used to edit, copy, send, and print photographs. They can be
used by writers to create and edit. They can be used to make, record, edit,
play, and listen to music. They can be used to capture, edit and watch
Applications of ICT (Computers) in Our
Daily Lives
 10. COMMUNICATION - Computers have made real-time communication
over the internet easy, thanks to software and videoconferencing
services such as Skype. Families can connect with audio and video,
businesses can hold meetings between remote participants, and news
organizations can interview people without the need for a film crew.
 11. BANKING AND FINANCE - Most banking in advanced countries now
takes place online. You can use computers to check your account
balance, transfer money, or pay off credit cards. You can also use
computer technology to access information on stock markets, trade
stocks, and manage investments.
Applications of ICT (Computers) in Our
Daily Lives
 12. TRANSPORT - Road vehicles, trains, planes, and boats are
increasingly automated with computers being used to maintain
safety and navigation systems, and increasingly to drive, fly, or
steer. They can also highlight problems that require attention, such
as low fuel levels, oil changes, or a failing mechanical part.
 13. NAVIGATION - has become increasingly computerized,
especially since computer technology has been combined with GPS
technology. Computers combined with satellites mean that it's now
easy to pinpoint your exact location.
Applications of ICT (Computers) in Our
Daily Lives
 14. WORKING - From Home Computers have made working from
home and other forms of remote working increasingly common.
Workers can access necessary data, communicate, and share
information without commuting to a traditional office.
 15. MILITARY - Computers are used extensively by the military.
They are use for training purposes. They are used for analyzing
intelligence data. They are used to control smart technology, such
as guided missiles and drones, as well as for tracking incoming
missiles and destroying them.
Applications of ICT (Computers) in Our
Daily Lives
 16. SOCIAL AND ROMANCE - Computers have opened up many ways of
socializing that didn't previously exist. Social media enables people to
chat in text or audio in real time across large distances, as well as
exchange photographs, videos, and memes. Dating sites and apps help
people to find romance. Online groups help people to connect with others
who have similar interests.
 17. BOOKING VACATIONS - Computers can be used by travelers to study
timetables, examine route options, and buy plane, train, or bus tickets.
They can be used to explore and book accommodation, whether
traditional hotels, or through newer services, such as Air BnB.
Applications of ICT (Computers) in Our
Daily Lives
 18. SECURITY AND SURVEILLANCE - Computers are increasingly being combined
with other technologies to monitor people and goods. Computers combined with
biometric passports make it harder for people to fraudulently enter a country or
gain access to a passenger airplane. Face-recognition technology makes it easier to
identify terrorists or criminals in public places. Driver plates can be auto scanned
by speed cameras or police cars.
 19. WEATHER FORECASTING - The world's weather is complex and depends upon a
multitude of factors that are constantly changing. It's impossible for human beings
to monitor and process all the information coming in from satellite and other
technologies, never mind perform the complex calculations that are needed to
predict what is likely to happen in the future.
Applications of ICT (Computers) in Our
Daily Lives
 20. ROBOTICS - is an expanding area of technology which
combines computers with science and engineering to produce
machines that can either replace humans, or do specific jobs that
humans are unable to do.
 IT, or Information Technology, pertains to the industry that
involves computers, software, networking, and other IT
infrastructures to help relay or manage information important in
modern-day living as seen primarily in large companies or
corporations. Simply put, IT is a subset of ICT as the technology
used n the field of IT aids in the use of ICT (Wang, 2016)
ICT is made up of three words.

 It refers to the knowledge obtained from reading, investigation,
study, or research. Some of the tools that transmit information
are the telephone, television, and radio.
 It is an act of transmitting messages. It is a process whereby
information is exchanged between individuals through verbal and
non-verbal means.
 Technology has evolved in ways that has made people’s daily lives
much easier. Technology has made communication much easier and
faster such as through telephones, fax machines, mobile devices,
and internet.
 The evolution of technology has always depended on one thing:
the human rationale. Humans tend o think of ways on how to
improve tasks, workloads, or simply day-to-day activities. The
concept of technology started off with the basic tool.

 Another type of machine that is nowadays considered a necessity

are computers. A computer is an electronic device operating under
the control of instructions stored in its own memory that can
accept data, manipulate the data according to specified rules,
produce results, and store the results for future use. However, as
technology evolves, so do machines.
 with the evolution of technology, computers have taken a major
role in the last three decades. this is due to the fact that people
have become increasingly dependent on computers to do their
daily task in school, at work, or in their routines.
 computer have evolved based on the type of components used in
the design. at present, scientists and researchers have identified
based on design, suitability and reliability.
 These human computers were typically engaged in the calculation of a
mathematical expression.
 The calculations of this period were specialized and expensive,
requiring years of training in mathematics.
 The first use of the word "computer" was recorded in 1613, referring to
a person who carried out calculations, or computations, and the word
continued to be used in that sense until the middle of the 20th century
History of Computer: Basic Computing
 Earliest Computers originally calculations were computed by humans,
whose job title was computers.
 • These human computers were typically engaged in the calculation of a
mathematical expression.
 • The calculations of this period were specialized and expensive,
requiring years of training in mathematics.
 • The first use of the word "computer" was recorded in 1613, referring
to a person who carried out calculations, or computations, and the word
continued to be used in that sense until the middle of the 20th century.
 A) TALLY STICKS - a tally stick was an ancient memory aid
device to record and document numbers, quantities, or
even messages
 Invented by King Henry I, medieval England in around
 B) ABACUS - An abacus is a mechanical device used to aid an
individual in performing mathematical calculations.

 • The abacus was invented in Babylonia in 2400 B.C.

 • The abacus in the form we are most familiar with was first
used in China in around 500 B.C.
 • It used to perform basic arithmetic operations.
 • Invented by John Napier in 1614.
 • Allowed the operator to multiply, divide and calculate
square and cube roots by moving the rods around and placing
them in specially constructed boards.
 D) SLIDE RULE - Invented by William Oughtred in 1622.
 • Is based on Napier's ideas about logarithms.
 • Used primarily for – multiplication – division – roots –
logarithms – Trigonometry
 • Not normally used for addition or subtraction.
 • Invented by Blaise Pascal in 1642.
 • It was its limitation to addition and subtraction.
 • It is too expensive.
 The first electronic computer was developed in 1946.
designed by J. Presper Eckert and John W. Mauchly from
the University of Pennsylvania and financed by the United
States Army, the Electronic Numeric Integrator and
Calculator(ENIAC) is considered to be the first-generation
COMPUTER (1959-1965)
 The second generation of computer is the TRANSISTOR it
was used as the interior sections of computer. Transistors
were much smaller, faster, and more dependable than the
vacuum tubes of the first generation computer. They
generated less heat and consumed less electricity but
were still very costly.
 In 1965, Jack Kilby invented the integrated circuit (IC) that was used
instead if transistors as the interior sections to build the computer. A
single IC has many transistors, resistors, and capacitors that even the
full circuit board of a transistors can be replaced entirely with one
chip. This chip made the computers smaller, unfailing, and effective.
 In this generation, remote processing, time-sharing, and
multiprogramming operating system were used.
Integrated Circuit (IC)


 Integrated Circuit (IC) - An IC can function as an amplifier,
oscillator, timer, counter, logic gate, computer memory,
microcontroller or microprocessor. An IC is the fundamental
building block of all modern electronic devices.

 Transistor - can act as a switch or gate for electronic

signals, opening and closing an electronic gate many times
per second.
 Resistor - In electronic circuits, resistors are predominantly
used to lower the flow of current, divide voltages, block
transmission signals, and bias active elements.

 Capacitor - Capacitors are a basic component of electronics and are

an integral accessory to a host of applications. The most common
use for capacitors is energy storage, power conditioning, electronic
noise filtering, remote sensing and signal coupling/decoupling.
 Very Large scale Integrated (VLSI) circuits were used to build computers.
These circuit have about 5,000 transistors and other circuit elements wit their
connected circuits on a single chip known as the microprocessor.
 These fourth generation computers such as personal computers became more
powerful, dense, reliable, and inexpensive.
 The other application of this microprocessor technology can be used and
applied for pocket calculators, television sets, automotive devices, and audio
and video appliances
 In this fifth generation, the VLSI Technology has evolved into what
is called ultra large-scale integration (ULSI) technology, with the
manufacture of microprocessor chips having 10 million electronic
 This generation involves computer intelligence which is associated
with artificial intelligence (AI), natural language, and expert
systems that interpret the means and practices of producing
computers that think like human beings
 Input Devices



 KEYBOARD – is the most common input device that accepts letters, numbers and
commands from the user
 MOUSE – lets one select options from on-screen menus. A mouse is used by moving it on a
flat surface, pressing its two buttons (left and right), and scrolling the wheel that is
located between the buttons
 MICROPHONE – allows a user to speak into the computer to input data and instructions.
While there are available stand-alone microphones for computers, most of the time, user
buy a headset-a combination of microphone and earphones.
 DIGITAL CAMERA- allows one to take pictures then transfer the photographed images to
the computer or printer instead of storing the images.
 PC VIDEO CAMERA/WEBCAM – is a digital video camera that enables users to create a
movie or take still photographs electronically. With the PC Video camera attached to the
 SCANNER – converts printed material (such as text and pictures) into a form the computer
can use. There are different types of scanners
 Flatbed scanner
 Hand held or portable scanners
 Artificial Intelligence – is defined as the science of making computers or machines in
general to do things or require intelligence when done by humans
 Automation – is the technique of making an apparatus, a process, or a system to
operate automatically.
 Big data – is a term that describes large and complex volumes of data analyzed for
insights to help in making better decisions and more effective strategic plans.
 Blog – is a combination of two words-web and log. It works the same way as pen and
paper would, but the privacy becomes irrelevant given that a blog can be seen by
anyone online
 Communication – is a process in which information is exchanged between individuals
through verbal and non-verbal means.
 Compact disc – a flat, round, portable metal disc.
 Computer – is an electronic device, operating under the control of instructions stored in
its own memory, that can accept data, manipulate the data according to specified
rules, produce results, and store the results for future use.
 Desktop Computer – designed to be placed on a desk, and is typically made up of a new
different parts, including the computer case, monitor, keyboard, and the mouse.
 Exploitation – refers to an action of making use of and benefiting from digital resources
such as changing grades by hacking the system,
 Hard Disk – a data storage hardware device that offers a greater storage capacity than a floppy
disk, zip disk, or USB flash drive.
 Information – refers to the knowledge obtained from reading, investigation, study, or research
 Information and Communication Technology (ICT) – refers to technology that supports
activities involving information such as gathering, processing, storing, and presenting data.
 Information Technology (IT) – pertains to the industry that involves computers, software,
networking, and other IT infrastructure that help relay or manage information deemed
important in modern-day living.
 Input device – any hardware component that allows one to enter data or instructions into a
 Laptop computer – A battery powered computer that is more portable than a desktop, allowing
one to use it Almost everywhere.
 Output devices - Any hardware component that transmits information to one or more people.
 Personal Computer - A small, single-user computer based on a microprocessor.
 CRT Cathode Ray Tube – a vacuum tube containing an electron gun at one end and a
fluorescent screen called thermionic emission generates a strong beam of electrons.
 LCD Liquid Crystal Display – a flat-panel display that consist of a layer of color or monochrome
pixel arrange schematically.
 LED Light Emitting Diode – a flat-panel display that uses light-emitting diodes for backlighting.
 The system unit is the enclosure composed of the main
elements of a computer that are used to administer data. This
can be referred to as a computer case or tower

 A computer can be utilized with only processing, memory, input, and
output devices. To make it very valuable.
 A computer needs a place to hold program files and all related files
when they are not in use.
 The goal of using a storage is to keep data permanently.
 Computers are powerful for a variety of reasons. They work
with remarkable speed, reliability, consistency, and accuracy.
 Computers can store large amounts of data and information
also, computers allow users to communicate with other users or
 SPEED – In the system unit, operations get done through electronic
circuit. When data, instructions, and information drift along theses
circuits, they travel at incredibly fast speeds.
 RELIABILITY AND CONSISTENCY – The electronic components in modern
computers are dependable because they gave a low failure rate. The
high reliability of components enables the computer to produce
consistent result.
 ACCURACY – Computers process large amounts of data and generate
error-free results, provided the data is inputted correctly and the
instructions work properly.
 PERSONAL COMPUTER - is a small, single-user computer based on a
microprocessor. A personal computer has a keyboard for entering data, a
monitor for displaying information, and a storage device for saving data.
 WORKSTATION – is a powerful, single-user computer. A workstation is like a
personal computer, but it has a more powerful microprocessor and a high-
quality monitor.
 MINICOMPUTER – is a multi-user computer capable of supporting from 10 to
hundred of users simultaneously.
 MAINFRAME – is a powerful multi-user computer capable of supporting
hundreds or thousands of user simultaneously.
 SUPERCOMPUTER – is an extremely fast computer that can perform
millions of instructions per second,
WORKSTATION – is a powerful, single-user computer. A workstation is like a
personal computer, but it has a more powerful microprocessor and a high-
quality monitor.

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