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Jobs of the future

By Adela Maria Wurtz

As time goes by, so do jobs change

and modernize, restructuring the
way in which we see them.
• Firstly, as automation becomes more and more
popular, hard and repetitive labor will most likely be
done by robots and self operating system. Many
people think this will cause a job sortage. While
possible, it is also likely that with these systems, the
need for maintenance of the robots will also arise.
People skilled in fixing machines will be on high
demand, and so will be people who know their way
with software. Concerning the required education to
perform these tasks, the high demand will result in
higher education in these domains to be more
widespread and more accesible.
• Secondly, from a corporate point of view, we will start tp see the first examples of
megacorporations. As companies continue to grow and develop, they will start to
own most services an comodities that we use on a daily basis. Considering this,
small businesses will start to dissapear and everything will take on a corporate
approach. Everyone will work standard hours and everyone will strive for the
better of the company. People will compete with eachother for positions and will
strive to get higher up on the corporate ladder. Work life will be tense and focused
on competition, while the workers will be pushed to give their all for the sake of
the company.
In conclusion, the future of jobs
looks a bit grimm but interesting

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