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Cotton Impur|t|es Cotton Impur|t|es

S|nge|ng S|nge|ng
De De s|z|ng s|z|ng
Scour|ng Scour|ng
@e approx compos|t|on of kaw Cotton @e approx compos|t|on of kaw Cotton
Cellulose 833
Cll Wax 03
roLelns pecLoces and colourlng maLerlal 3
Mlneral maLLer 1
MolsLure 8
6.5 %
S|nge|ng S|nge|ng
Cb[ects Cb[ects of of S|nge|ng S|nge|ng
rocess of burnlng off proLrudlng flbres from Lhe surface of yarn /
lmprove Lhe lusLre and smooLhness of Lhe maLerlal
1he fuzz" or Lhe proLrudlng flbres are responslble for
ScaLLered reflecLlon and hence conLrlbuLes Lo a dull appearance
8emoval of fuzz resulLs smooLh surface and regular reflecLlon of llghL
ls obLalned
unlform surface reflecLs more llghL and more unlformly and
produces lusLrous surface
S|nge|ng Cond|t|on
8efore S|nge|ng
After S|nge|ng
S|nge|ng Mac|nes
oL laLe Slngelng Machlne
8oller Slngelng Machlne
Cas Slngelng Machlne
ot |ate S|nge|ng Mac|ne
ConslsLs of 2 Lo 3 curved copper plaLes
laLes are kepL red hoL by some heaLlng arrangemenLs under Lhem
1he fabrlc ls passed Lhrough Lhe hoL plaLes
AfLer passlng Lhe lasL hoL plaLe Lhe cloLh ls lmmedlaLely passed
Lhrough a waLer Lrough {quenchinq) {quenchinq)
Speed 180 mLs / mln
Hot Plate
Advantages Advantages
SulLable for back fllllng flnlshlng process as Lhe flbre ends
ln Lhe lnLersLlces are noL removed
D|sadvantages D|sadvantages
lbres ends ln Lhe lnLersLlLches of warp and wefL are noL
Causes uneven slngelng due Lo dlfflculLy ln malnLalnlng
unlform plaLe LemperaLure
Local coollng
ko||er ko||er S|nge|ng S|nge|ng Mac|ne Mac|ne
Slmllar Lo hoL plaLe slngelng
A large heaLed cyllnder ls used ln place of copper plaLe
Advantage Advantage
uneven slngelng wlll Lake place aL lesser exLend wrL hoL
plaLe slngelng machlne
SulLable for back fllllng flnlshlng process as Lhe flbre ends
ln Lhe lnLersLlces are noL removed
D|sadvantages D|sadvantages
Local coollng Lherefore dlfflculL Lo malnLaln an even
slngelng along Lhe lengLh and wldLh of Lhe fabrlc
lbre ends ln Lhe lnLersLlces of warp and wefL Lhreads are
noL slnged
as as S|nge|ng S|nge|ng Mac|ne Mac|ne
1he cloLh ls passed over Lwo or more flames / burners
1he flame burns Lhe proLrudlng flbres wlLhouL damaglng
Lhe cloLh
1he speed of Lhe Lransmlsslon of Lhe cloLh hence ls Lo be
ad[usLed carefully
1he flbres ends presenL ln Lhe lnLersLlches beLween warp
and wefL are also slnged
AfLer passlng Lhrough Lhe flames Lhe fabrlc ls passed
Lhrough a Lrough of waLer
Speed 80 Lo 123 mLs / mln
oLh sldes of Lhe cloLh are slnged slmulLaneously
unlform slngelng ls obLalned
lbres ln Lhe lnLersLlces beLween Lhe warp and wefL
Lhreads are also burnL effecLlvely
CreaL rlsk of flre
as Singeing of Fabric
arn S|nge|ng
arns can also be slnged
1he slngelng ln Lhls case ls also known as 'gasslng'
1he slnged yarn ls Lhus known as 'gassed yarn'
arns Lyplcally slnged
Combed coLLon yarn
Sewlng Lhread
olyesLer coLLon blended yarn
oslery yarns meanL for knlLLlng
Slze ls added Lo faclllLaLe weavlng
y lncreaslng Lhe smootness of Lhe warp
y lncreaslng Lhe strengt of Lhe warp
SLarch CMC vA are used for slzlng
resence of slze |nders dyelng prlnLlng flnlshlng
eslzlng ls a process Lo remove Lhe unwanLed slze maLerlal
1he ob[ect|ve of deslzlng ls
8emove Lhe slze maLerlal from grey fabrlc
abrlc could be effecLlvely scoured and bleached
Mecan|sm of Des|z|ng
SLarch ls havlng boLh sLralghL and branched chaln polymers
due Lo whlch lL ls lnsoluble ln waLer and cannoL be removed
SLarch can be made soluble ln waLer however lf lL can be
reduced Lo more shorLer chalned compounds
1hus under sulLable condlLlons sLarch can be progresslvely
hydrolyzed or broken down
SLarch exLrlne MalLose Clucose
(lgh Molecular WelghL) (Low Molecular WelghL)
ln deslzlng Lhe hydrolysls ls carrled up Lo soluble dexLrln
SLarch changes Lo soluble dexLrln ln Lhe deslzlng sLage
Slnce sLarch acLs as a blnder for Lhe oLher lngredlenLs as soon
as sLarch ls removed oLher lngredlenLs wlll also be removed
lL ls Lo be noLed LhaL deslzlng ls a chemlcal process and lL can
be conLrolled by varylng Lhe concenLraLlon of Lhe deslzlng
Metods of Des|z|ng
Desizing Methods
Hydrolytic Methods
Rot Steep
Acid Steep
Oxidative Methods
Novel Methods
Low temperature Plasma treatment
Desizing 2000
kot Steep Metod
1he fabrlc ls lmmersed ln warm waLer aL 40
C and allowed Lo sLand for
24 hrs
1he mlcroorganlsms presenL ln aLmosphere wlll secreLe Lhe sLarch
llquefylng enzymes
1he enzymes wlll hydrolyze Lhe sLarch
1he hydrolyzed sLarch can be removed by subsequenL washlng
very economlcal process
o noL requlre any chemlcals
8equlres large floor space
Slow process
1here ls a danger of mlld dew aLLack and weakenlng Lhe
cloLh lf sLeepenlng ls noL properly monlLored
noL reproduclble
kot Steep De kot Steep De s|z|ng s|z|ng
Ac|d Des|z|ng
lluLe Sulphurlc acld or ydrochlorlc acld ls used
1he acld hydrolyze Lhe sLarch presenL ln Lhe slzed fabrlc
AfLer lmpregnaLlon ln weak acld and followed by squeezlng Lhe fabrlc
ls Lo be kepL for 2 3 hrs for hydrolysls of Lhe sLarch
ollowed by washlng Lo remove Lhe acld
Speclal care should be Laken Lo avold local evaporaLlon of llquor
Leads Lo lncrease of acld concenLraLlon
1enderlng of fabrlc wlll Lake place
8eclpe Mlneral Acld 03 Lo 1
1emperaLure 30
well Llme 60 120 mlns
1he process ls economlcal
Culcker Lhan roL sLeep meLhod
Can be performed aL room LemperaLure
Care musL be Laken Lo prevenL Lhe Lenderlng of Lhe fabrlc
(avold local drylng)
Ac|d De Ac|d De S|z|ng S|z|ng
Lnzyme des|z|ng
1he enzymes llquefy Lhe sLarch ln Lhe fabrlc
Lnzymes are Lype of proLeln
lL acLs as a caLalysL ln chemlcal reacLlon
Ma|t Lxtracts 8acter|a|
vlveral laLase 8addase
novofermosal MalLosLase ldlase
CloLLed blood llver eLc lasLafore 1aka
Lnzyme suffer from te d|sadvantage tat |f te cond|t|ons of temperature
and p are not ma|nta|ned ||tt|e or no des|z|ng w||| take p|ace
Lnzyme p Concentrat|on @emperature
MalL exLracLs 6 73 3 20 30 60
ancreaLlc 63 73 1 3 30 60
acLerlal 33 73 03 1 60 70
Cont|nuous rocess Cont|nuous rocess Us|ng a W|nc Us|ng a W|nc
,-7ic in Open
width o72
ot W,te7 ot W,te7
nzy2e nzy2e
SoIution SoIution
DweII ti2e in DweII ti2e in
w,te7 w,te7
W,shing W,shing
A Padding Mangle
B Winch Machine
C Rope Washing Machine
DweII ti2e = 5 2in)
Cont|nuous De Cont|nuous De s|z|ng s|z|ng Us|ng a I 8ox Us|ng a I 8ox
DweII ti2e = 25 - 40 2in)
Cont|nuous rocess us|ng Lnzyme Cont|nuous rocess us|ng Lnzyme te ad te ad
Steam rocess Steam rocess
Advantages ] D|sadvantages of Cont|nuous De
Advantages Advantages
1he deslzlng process ls qulck
no rlsk of cellulose geLLlng Lendered ln Lhls process
unlform deslzlng can be obLalned LhroughouL Lhe process
roducLlon efflclency wlll be hlgh
D|sadvantages D|sadvantages
lf Lhe speclfled condlLlon of LemperaLure and p ls noL malnLalned deslzlng
wlll noL occur
AfLer deslzlng Lhe cloLh ls free from added lmpurlLles LhaL has been added
for weavlng (sLarch)
lnherenL lmpurlLles llke olls faLs waxes and colourlng maLerlals remnanLs
of Lhe added maLLer dlrL/sLalns are sLlll presenL
1he olls and faLs are hydrophoblc and affecL Lhe absorbency of Lhe cloLh
1hese reslsLs Lhe peneLraLlon of waLer
1he fabrlc Lherefore cannoL be dyed or prlnLed
1he ouLer hydrophoblc layer has Lo be removed Lo make Lhe fabrlc
1he process by whlch Lhe waLerreslsLanL layer ls removed ls called
ln coLLon LexLlle processlng scourlng ls also known as klerlng klerbolllng
or bolllng ouL
olllng Lhe cloLh or yarn ln alkallne chemlcals
1he boller or vessel ln whlch Lhls ls done ls called a #k|er" and hence
Lhe Lerms k|er|ng" and k|erbo|||ng"
Cb[ects of #Scour|ng"
1o remove Lhe 'naLural' as well as 'added' lmpurlLles of
essenLlally hydrophoblc characLer (olls faLs and waxes) as
compleLely as posslble
1o make Lhe goods sulLable for removlng Lhe naLural
colourlng maLLer of Lhe coLLon durlng Lhe subsequenL
bleachlng operaLlon
Canges tak|ng p|ace dur|ng #Scour|ng"
1he saponlflable olls ln lL are converLed lnLo soaps
1he unsaponlflable olls and waxes lL conLalns are emulslfled
1he proLelns are hydrolysed lnLo soluble producLs
1he pecLose and pecLlns are changed lnLo soluble salLs of pecLlc or
meLapecLlc aclds
Mlneral maLLer ls dlssolved
lrL parLlcles are removed and held ln a sLable form ln Lhe kler llquor
vegeLable olls anlmal faLs and mlneral olls are noL soluble ln waLer
A vegeLable oll ls a glycerlde of faLLy acld
When oll such as Lhls ls heaLed wlLh a soluLlon of naC ln waLer
Cll spllLs up lnLo faLLy acld and glycerlne
Clycerlne dlssolves freely ln waLer
aLLy acld reacLs wlLh naC Lo form lLs sodlum salL le soap whlch
ls also soluble ln waLer
1he converslon of glycerldes of faLLy aclds lnLo soaps by uslng naC ls
known as #sapon|f|cat|on"
Vegetab|e o|| + NaC |ycer|ne + Iatty Ac|d
(So|ub|e |n water) (Inso|ub|e |n
Iatty Ac|d + NaC Soap or Sod|um sa|t of fatty ac|d
(So|ub|e |n water)
Mech,nis2 of Mech,nis2 of
Scou7ing Scou7ing
Waxes presenL ln Lhe flbre cannoL be removed by saponlflcaLlon
1hey can however be removed from Lhe flbre by converLlng Lhem lnLo
emulslon whlch can be held lnLo kler soluLlon
An emulslon ls a falrly sLable mlxLure of Lwo llqulds whlch normally do
noL mlx wlLh each oLher
1he soap formed by Lhe saponlflcaLlon of olls ln Lhe kler acLs as Lhe
emulslfylng agenL
Waxes + Soap Lmulslon
(already formed by a
saponlflcaLlon or added)
So|vent Scour|ng So|vent Scour|ng
Scourlng ls done wlLh LrlchloroeLhylene
1he fabrlc ls lmpregnaLed and passed Lhrough
LrlchloroeLhylene where Lhe wax and oll dlssolves and are
CLher lmpurlLles LhaL remaln wlll be degraded and dlssolved
durlng 'peroxlde bleachlng'
SaLlsfacLory ln con[uncLlon wlLh peroxlde bleachlng

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