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Proposal writing

What is proposal writing

Definition of Proposals
A proposal is a description of the work you will complete on a project. the act of offering or suggesting something for acceptance, adoption, or performance. a plan or scheme proposed.

Benefits of the Proposal to a Researcher

 Allows the researcher to plan and review the

projects steps  Serves as a guide throughout the investigation.  A review of management and research literature in developing the proposal encourages the researcher to assess previous approaches to similar management questions and revise the research plan accordingly.  Forces time and budget estimates

Kinds of proposal.


Research proposals Business proposals

Research proposals
This kind of proposal is academic in nature  Research proposal refers to formal projects completed according to a defined form.

Step 01.
At first, it is necessary to choose the topic for your work. The topic should not be too broad or too narrow. It should give you space for further research. The field of study determines the form of a proposal that usually contains literature review occupying much space within a paper.

Step 2
First of all, you give a statement of the problem you are going to study. This is the basis for your future research that is supported with a literature review and a detailed methodology for carrying out the study.

Step 3
A methodology contains a number of methods you will use , case study, experiment, sampling, etc. It should be done in accordance with professional field requirements.

Step 4.Purpose
In a research proposal every student must state the major purpose of the actual research showing the issue that needs further investigation

Length of a proposal
Sometimes, a research proposal may contain 3 or 5 pages of you are the beginner, while it may reach 30 or 40 pages when you are aware of all proposal stages and requirements.

Understand the topic

Remember, writing a research proposal is a necessary step for completing a dissertation; it shows how well you understand the problem, the task and analysis methodology. You show that you have researched literature available on the topic and able to conduct your own research.

In your proposal try to specify at least approximately how much time you need for every stage of your study to be carried out.


A business proposal is a written scheme from a seller to a prospective customer. The main purpose is to fulfill the requirements of a client. A proposal includes a company's profile as well as its products and services offered. An entrepreneur mentions profile and other components to convince a prospective client about the benefits of his products and services for a client. A proposal also aims to demonstrate the credibility and authenticity of a company and its products and services to win a client's confidence. A good proposal has the potential to portray a company unique and credible that gives an edge over its competitors.

Elements or parts of business proposal

Title page Executive summary Abstract Synopsis Draft contract Table of contents Introduction (problem, scope) Background Procedures Equipments and facilities Budget Appendices

Short proposals

Letter of transmittal Executive summary Body of proposal with information on  project team  Scope of services

My Guidelines.
guidelines that I keep in mind when I develop a business proposal for a client of my writing service: Clarity. Before you begin to write the proposal, summarize the concept in 2-3 sentences, then show it to a lay person and check for understanding. If they don't grasp the basic idea, rewrite until they do. Until you can do this, you are not ready to start writing the proposal. How many times have you received a document that you had to read over and over before Strive to communicate, not to impress. If you have a good idea and you communicate that idea clearly and effectively, the recipients will be impressed. If you try to baffle them with your brilliance, you'll lose ground.

Error Free: Your proposal will be competing with proposals prepared by professional writers, graphic designers and desktop publishers. You may not have those resources at your disposal, but you can be fastidious about checking for typing, spelling and grammatical errors. Spell checkers can only go so far; the rest is up to you. Ask someone else to check your document for errors before you submit it, or wait a few days before rereading it. If you have worked on a document intensely, you will "learn" to interpret errors as being correct. It takes a fresh eye to spot the typos. Print and Bind: Print your document on good quality, heavy- bond paper, using either a laser printer or a good-quality bubble jet. Take it to an office service for backing and binding. For less than $10, you can produce a nicely done, professionally presented package.

Layout: When laying out your document, format it so the body of the text appears in the right two-thirds of the page. The one-third of the page to the left contains titles and white space. The white space to the left allows the reader to make notes. This sounds like a trivial matter, but it elicits positive reactions from recipients.

Visual Elements: Include visual elements sporadically throughout your document. Logos, clip art, graphs, charts, tables and other elements greatly enhance the visual appeal of your document and make it easier for many people to read and comprehend. Pages of pure text are tiring to the eye and a challenge to the attention span. Additionally, many people are visually oriented, meaning the preferred method of learning is through imagery and not text.

Title Page. Begin with a Title Page that includes images (graphics, pictures, etc.), the name of the proposal recipient, the name of the project, your company name and address, the date, and your copyright symbol. Be Politically Correct. Whether you support political correctness or whether you don't, the issue here is to avoid offending the people who will receive your proposal document. Avoid any language that can be construed as offensive to any group of people - including women, men, persons with disabilities, persons belonging to visible minorities, senior citizens, and so on. If you're not certain of correct terminology, consult with someone knowledgeable before submitting your proposal

With the help of Business Proposal a seller puts an offering to a prospective buyer. The Business Proposals can very in size; they can be a one-page letter, a proposal with detailed specifications of several hundred pages or it may even be a price list.

Long proposals
Large proposal require proposals with elaborate details

A general formal proposal

Prefatory parts


Title page Letter of transmittal Table of contents Lists of tables and figures

Executive summary

Body of proposal

Introduction Problem Need Background Objectives or purpose Procedures Methods and sources plan of attack Sequence of activities Equipment, facilities Personnel qualification Evaluation and benefits of proposal Budget of cost ,prices

Supplementary parts
Budget justification References Tables,maps,or graphs

Writing styles and appearances

All the rules of writing including the seven cs to proposal writing Many proposal lost at the 1st look by the reader 1. General appearances 2. Neatness 3. Specific appearances 4. Consistency of style 5. Completeness 6. professionalism

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