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Eg- Crayfish Crabs Lobster Prawns

UNIVALVE Eg-Abalone Conch Snails

BIVALVE Eg- Clams Mussels Oysters

Shellfish is a culinary and fisheries term for

exoskeleton-bearing aquatic invertebrates used as food, including various species of mollusks, crustaceans, and echinoderms.

Although most kinds of shellfish are harvested

from saltwater environments, some kinds are found only in freshwater. In addition a few species of land crabs such as Cardisoma guanhumi are eaten, in the Caribbean.

y Familiar marine mollusks enjoyed as a food source by

humans include many species of clams, mussels, oysters, winkles, and scallops. Some crustaceans commonly eaten are shrimp, prawn, lobster, crayfish, and crabs. Echinoderms are not as frequently harvested for food as mollusks and crustaceans, but sea urchin roe is quite popular in many parts of the world.

y Most shellfish eat a diet composed primarily of

phytoplankton and zooplankton.

y Shellfish are among the most common food allergens.

Live in the shell -- These shellfish are sold just as

they come from the sea and must be kept alive until they are cooked. When purchasing, be sure they are active. Crabs and lobsters should show movement in the legs. The lobster's tail should curl under and not hang down when the live lobster is handled. Hard clams, oysters, and scallops should close their shells when tapped.

y Headless -- The head of the shellfish has been

removed. Shrimp is sold in this manner as are spiny lobster tails. Fresh shrimp have a mild odor and firm meat, usually greenish or pink in color. The shell should fit the body with no sign of shrinkage.

Peeled and cleaned -- Shrimp is commonly sold

in this fashion. It is headless with the intestinal tract removed. Cooked in the shell -- Crabs and lobsters are sold in this form. The market cooks the shellfish and sells them whole, or the meat may be picked from the shell and is packaged chilled or frozen. Cooked lobster meat is red in color and has a mild odor. The tail of a cooked lobster should spring back after it has been straightened.

y Frozen -- Shellfish are frozen in almost every

form: raw, cooked, in the shell, and out of the shell. Oysters, scallops, clams, and mussels are sold breaded and ready to fry or bake. They have been shucked, coated with batter, breaded, package, and frozen. Shrimp is also frozen raw or fried and breaded. In this case the shrimp are peeled and cleaned, coated with a batter, breaded, packaged, and frozen.

y Canned -- Whole shellfish, lumps of meat,

minced meat and smoked meat are canned. Whether they be "dry packed" in a vacuum or "liquid packed" in a brine or juice, they are ready to serve or use as purchased. Oysters, lobsters, clams, crabs, and shrimp are sold in this form.

Characteristics A crustacean has the following features: a segmented body with a hard exterior (known as an

exoskeleton) jointed limbs, each often with two branches (termed biramous) two pairs of antennae gills Seven or more pairs of appendages for feeding, swimming, walking, respiration and reproduction (clasping, sperm transfer, egg brooding and carrying young).

Crustacean groups The most recent classification of crustaceans comprises six classes. One of these (the cavedwelling Remipedia) is not known in New Zealand, and another (the Cephalocarida) is known only from a single species. The Cephalocarida are believed to be close to the ancestral form from which other crustaceans evolved. The best-known crustaceans are edible species such as crabs, crayfish and shrimps. They belong to the Malacostraca class, along with slaters and sand hoppers. Crustaceans/(Crustacea) form a very large group of arthropods, usually treated as a subphylum, which includes such familiar animals as crabs, lobsters, crayfish, shrimp, krill and barnacles.

Storage Whenever possible, purchase all Shellfish alive so

as to ensure absolute freshness. Store in a cold room in a box covered with crushed ice and a damp sack and cooked as soon as possible after purchasing.
Selection criteria Freshness of a shellfish can be recognised by

brightness of eyes and stiffness of tail and flesh Claws when pulled should spring back. They should smell like the sea. They should be heavy in proportion to their size.

Examples of crustaceans are :-

Crab (fr crabe) The edible crab, Cancer pagurus, is a species of

crab found in the North sea, North Atlantic and the Mediterranean sea. It is a robust crab of a reddish-brown colour, having an oval carapace with a characteristic "pie crust" edge and black tips to the claws. Mature adults may have a carapace width of up to about 25 cm and weigh up to 3 kg.

Products of crab are

Crab with lemon

Cooked blue crab

y Labor-saving Picked Meat is usually sold as a mixture

of whole and broken leg meat, accompanied by the pure white body meat from the shoulder area under the shell back. It is fully cooked and ready to add its distinctive flavor to the chef s favorite recipe. y Fry Legs refer to a special pack consisting of only whole leg portions and are the gold standard of enjoying Dungeness crab.

Frozen Sections, or clusters as they are commonly referred to, are simply a cooked and cleaned crab, minus the back shell and split in half. They require minimum preparation labor and provide the crack the shell experience that makes crab eating just plain fun.

y Crayfish- (fr langouste)

Color and size varies with species, diet, and age. Most are red, some are green, brown, tan, or blue with black or orange markings in various combinations. Often juveniles will be a light tan color that turns to a deep red as an adult. The coloration depends in part on their diet, and can change with a change in diet. Adult size is 2" to 6" for most US species. The colour of the crayfish turns into brick red after cooking. They are used mainly on cold buffets.

y Crayfish

They are harvested from the wild or aquafarmed in Louisiana and the Pacific Northwest. They are from 3 to 7 inches (8 to 17.5 centimeters) in length when marketed and may be purchased live or precooked and frozen.

(fr homard) Lobster is one of the highly rated shellfishes The American lobster is one species of lobster found on the Atlantic coast of North America. Within North America, it is also known as the northern lobster, Atlantic lobster or Maine lobster. It thrives in cold, shallow waters where there are many rocks and other places to hide from predators and is both solitary and nocturnal. It feeds on fish, small crustaceans, and mollusks. They should be purchased alive and weight in relation with size is extremely important. The flesh of a cock lobster is more superior then flesh of a hen lobster. Lobsters could be served cold in cocktails, hors d oeuvres, salads and sandwiches.

y They are usually poached, steamed, simmered,

baked or grilled, and can be served hot or cold. Picked meat can be used in prepared dishes, soups or sauts. Lobsters must be kept alive until just before cooking. Dead lobsters should not be eaten. The Maine, also known as American or clawed lobster, and the spiny lobster are the most commonly marketed species.

Products of lobster are

Lobster Newburg

Lobster thermidor

Prawns Prawns are of two types: the sword prawn which is pink in colour and bigger than the common prawn. Have more delicate flavour than shrimp, obtained throughout the year, used in fish dishes, seafood cocktails and salads.

Products of prawns Prawn cocktail

y Prawn is often used interchangeably with the

word shrimp in English speaking countries. Although it is perhaps more accurate to refer to freshwater species as prawns and saltwater species as shrimp, in commercial practice, prawn refers to any large shrimp.

y They are of two typesy Univalve

y Bivalve

y Univalve- Having a shell consisting of a single

valve or piece. eg- abalone, conch, snails 1) Abalone- Abalone are small to very large-sized edible sea snails .

y 2) Snails y Snail is a common name for almost all members of

the molluscan class Gastropoda that have coiled shells in the adult stage. When the word is used in a general sense, it includes sea snails, land snails and freshwater snails. Otherwise snail-like creatures that lack a shell(or have only a very small one) are called slugs. y Snails can be found in a wide range of environments including ditches, desserts, and the abyssal depths of the sea

y Conch-

A conch is a common name which is applied to a number of different species of medium-sized to large sea snails or their shells.

BivalveBivalve are aquatic mollusk, with a laterally compressed body and a shell consisting of two valves, or movable pieces, hinged by an elastic ligament. Bivalves, which include clams, cockles, mussels, oysters, and scallops, are an important food source for humans, as well as for gastropods, fish, and shore birds. The two valves or a bivalve shell cover the right and left sides of the animal; they are hinged dorsally (above the body) and open ventrally (below the body). Usually the two valves are similar and equal in size, but in some forms.

y Clams-

The giant clam, is the largest living bivalve mollusk. It is one of the most endangered clam species. One of a number of large clam species native to the shallow coral reefs of the South Pacific and Indian oceans, they can weigh more than 200 kilograms (441 lb) measure as much as 1.2 meters (4 ft) across, and have an average lifespan in the wild of 100 years or more.

y Oysters-

True oysters are members of the family Ostreidae. This family includes the edible oysters, which mainly belong to the genera Ostrea,Crassotrea, Ostreola and Saccostrea. Examples include the Belon oyster, eastern oyster, Olympia oyster, Pacific oyster, Sydney rock oyster.

y Abalone

have brownish-gray, ear-shaped shells. They are harvested in California, but California law does not permit canning abalone or shipping it out of state. Some frozen abalone is available from Mexico; canned abalone is imported from Japan. Abalone are lean with a sweet, delicate flavor similar to that of clams. They are too tough to eat unless tenderized with a mallet or rolling pin. They may then be eaten raw or prepared sevichestyle.

y Conch

are found in warm waters off the Florida Keys and in the Caribbean. The beautiful eachy-pink shell of the queen conch is prized by beachcombers. Conch meat is lean, smooth and very firm with a sweet-smoky flavor and chewy texture. It can be sliced and ponded to tenderize it, eaten raw with lime juice or slow-cooked whole. y Clams Clams are harvested along both the East and West Coasts, with Atlantic clams being more significant commercially. Atlantic Coast clams include hardshell, soft-shell and surf clams. Clams are available all year, either live in the shell or freshshucked (meat removed from the shell). Canned clams, whether minced, chopped or whole, are also available.

y Starfish belong to a group or phylum of animals

called echinoderms. y This means "spiny skinned" in Greek. Echinoderms live in salt water only. They generally have five arms and dwell at the bottom of oceans' levels. There are around 6000 species of echinoderms. y E.g The starfish, sea urchin, sea cucumber and sand dollar

y Done by-

Krithika Pejawar Janhavi Pawar Shailesh Shinde Shardul Ghatpande Apurv Baviskar Vijay Saindore Yogesh Tonde Bhuvneshwar Dhande

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