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MB Cluster Meeting Minutes September 6, 2012 Call to Order 6:03 Introduction of Principals, Introduction of Officers Area Superintendent: (6:06)

Percent of students scoring proficient or above on CST tests has gone up from at most elementary schools. Sessions and PB Middle saw double digit gains in ELA. Mission Bay High school saw scores decline in both ELA and Math. Reviewed data from CSTs, and smart goals. Principals and district administration will meet to set new targets and look at strength and weaknesses. Will look at results down to the classroom level and bring teams of teachers in to look of what is working. See presentation notes, Sept MB Cluster Presentation-1.pdf. District Update: (6:15)Transitional Kindergarten program, will combine students all to Crown Point JMA due to low enrollment, currently total of 7 kids. This is a 2 yr. program for young 5 year olds. Students that may not make the new cut off dates or who would be very young kinder students. It is a full day program with one teacher. New A-G sequence graduation requirements. Focus on graduation planning starting earlier, will now be a 6 year plan starting in 6th grade. New Marketing Task force: Now: Jennifer Tandy, Jerry Phelps,Jennifer Phelps and Bridget Santos. Organized first project social event movie night at middle school. Teacher at SDSU will take on our cluster as project for his masters program class. Professor Dick Brooks and Joylyn Darnell, MBADirector of Corporate Relations at SDSU have offered their professional help. YMCA Update: (Tandy) Marketing study currently in the works to determine the needs of the community, hopeful of a spring ground breaking. BVT Transition Team: (Mitzi Merino) 6:28: Team met at district level to plan transition. Started by survey for the parents, parent tours now occurring. Should have families attached to their school of choice by January. Do not yet have answers or a plan. Questions should be directed to the principal of BVT or Mitzi Moreno. There are some details that were not planned for that will need to be looked at, for example Barnard is a K-6 school. How will this affect the Middle School? May need to draw new boundaries starting next year. Flier will be sent to

current BVT families to invite them to attend the cluster open houses. Barnard will be dedicated magnet. 9/6 Survey sent out, 9/14 BVT Parent Meeting, 9/20 and 9/24 School Tours, 9/26 Survey complete. Principal of Barnard was in attendance and gave a brief outline of the successes of the Barnard immersion program. Area Sup. Merino informed the Cluster that the was room for little Cluster input in the process of creating the BVT articulation plan (enrollment plan). Problems occurred with matriculation form CPJMA to PBM. Need to be taken off the list as a dedicated magnet. Currently there is no set date to redraw the boundaries. Attendee pointed out that with BVT and CPJMA as Magnet schools, there are no neighborhood schools in the Mission Bay Cluster south of Beryl St. Task Forces: Email will come to outline all task forces and to ask for participants to meet before the October meeting. Budget Forecast/Land Sale: Scott Barnett (6:57) Budget Initiative does not pass we will have a short fall in the current year of about $35 million and the following year of about $100 million. This shortfall will be made up by shortening the school year by almost 3 weeks, this will bring the school year down to 161 days. Hand out on Prop Z was distributed, Scott did not support this plan and the teachers have also made concessions. Scott plans to form a potential Alternative Options Task force in order to plan for the expected budget shortfall. He will ask community members to participate. There are $20 million in land sales put out for this year, includes Mission Bay Elementary and Barnard as well as other properties. Currently these properties are open for offers and offers could be accepted as early as October. Alternative parallel process is currently being looked at for 40 properties up for sale. Board will decide to open this process Tuesday, September 11th. This is a plan to lease the properties in a joint use manner. This is a lease option that could help to control the use of the land. Prop Z: (Scott Barnet) Predecessors prop MM and Prop S extended the current tax rate based on assessed value of the propertied in the district. Previous board agreed not to raise taxes so the debt was refinanced using capital appreciation bonds. Prop Z is a bond measure and will also will raise taxes. It will address deferred maintenance. Will include many project to alleviate stress on the general funds. If it passes we will not need to use more expensive capital appreciation bonds. This bond will look at putting new facilities in sites that require a high level of rehabilitation. Prop Z will also be used to help upgrade charter schools. Meeting Adjourned.

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