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I think I will do a Jibjab to make a fun video for my grandparents and their friends for christmas.

Because we have made Jibjab with them before and they seem to really like it. I will use picture that I have on my moms computer to us on the JibJab. for the first face i will use my grandpa. second my grandma, third my great aunt and last my great uncle.I will be in england this christmas so i think that I will conect my computer to the tv and play it when they are all there. The only desirable item I need is my family, and pictures of them.

Present in detail what resources (materials, tools, equipment, etc.) you will need: I will need. - jibjab - internet - laptop - tv - comp to tv cord - family - pics of my family - time in class 2) Present clear steps on how you will create your Christmas Creativity Project. Add time needed, planned dates and when each step will be accomplished.
Time Plan: (Estimate time in minutes, approximately, needed for each step.) Steps to do: Time in min. Date due:

1. check out the websites that ms. carter sent use except spend all of your time on jibjab because you 30 used it in the past and really liked it. And the others look complicated and plane. 2. find pictures of my grandparents and uncles and aunts from moms computer where she uploaded the picture onto her computer from her iphone that we bought her for mothers day. 3. fill out design and plan

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by typing with your computer keys then go in after that and right click all the words that have red squiggly lines underneath them so there will be less spelling mistakes. 4. create jibjab with by choosing the rollerblading disco because it look funny and it will be able to do as many people as i want. 5. fill out creat stage again using the keys on your laptop and then going over it for spelling mistakes.

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6. insert to e portfolio by 5 using a software on my computer to record my screen while its playing the jibjab video. after you have it recorded post it on face book but make it so only i can see so i dont look like a loser posting videos of my grandparents dancing around on face book. Get the embed link from the facebook video and then go to IT page press new post with your mouse then click more and then embed code. go back to facebook because you forgot to copy the code. copy the code and go back to weebl. past the code by clicking on the box and pressing command V so the link

dec 10

copies in then click outside the box then add in your tags and press publish live. 7. share with family 5 dec 18th

2) After completing it, insert the link to your project here:______ 3) Take a screenshot of your project and insert it here:

E. Evaluate Maximum 6 points (Suggestion: Must be complete by the end of the 4th period) For the evaluate stage, you will: 1. Take a look at the specifications that you wrote in the Investigate stage. A) Are you happy with the outcome? Explain in detail. I was happy with the outcome it actually turned out a lot better than i thought it would. All off their faces look really good with the hair like that how it was supposed to be them. B) Did anything change? What changed? Why did it change? I did not change anything. C) Was something left out from the original plan? Why? nope nothing was left out.

D) Is there anything you would change about your final product (invention) if you had more time or could rewind and do things over? What & why? the only thing i would work on its cropping the faces, they were pretty good but i could've done better. 2. What are 3 things you learned from this project? - I have learned to crop objects that aren't just squares and rectangles. - I learned about a lot of other sites to create these videos other than jibjab. - I also learned how to embed videos off of face book. 3. How would you rate your performance and involvement? (Place an x in the box that corresponds) Rarely Sometimes Often
I participated fully and contributed to each step of the design cycle INVESTIGATE:Br ainstorming Ideas; Asking Questions; Writing the Design Brief DESIGN: x Sketching /Drawing out ideas; All according to Design Brief. PLAN: Specifying & preparing materials & tools; Identifying Steps and time CREATE: Working diligently; Use tools appropriately. EVALUATE: Identify parts that need x


improvement; Come up with solutions to change, make better. I used my time wisely in class. I did not need reminders from the teacher to get to work. I worked cooperatively, helped, communicated and offered ideas and suggestions. I worked safely & responsibly with tools provided, following instructions. I gave the best effort I am capable of in each class.

4. Embed this Google Doc and your animation into your TECHNOLOGY BLOG. 5. Add categories: Your grade Animation Creativity AOI: Human ingenuity 6. Email Mrs. Carter with the link to your blog post so that she can evaluate your Design Cycle and Product!

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