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CIRCULAR TO PARENTS Circular No: PNT/079/2012-13

Sub: Class Photographs Dear Parents,

October 30, 2012

As the time for your childs portrait and class photographs to be taken is approaching soon, we wanted to share with you some helpful information. We are happy to inform you that your childs portrait photograph and the classs group photo will be taken from 11th to the 26th of November 2012, by Stu Williamson Photography. A detailed schedule of photo shoots will be shared with you soon. Stu Williamson Photography is a well-known company that has been working with all of the GEMS schools in the UAE. We have been able to ensure that parents at Our Own High School will receive a discounted package of photographs for AED 45/-. (Details of what is included in the package is attached). The purchasing of photograph packages is optional for parents. If you do not want to purchase the photograph, you may opt out online or at the time of payment of fees indicate this to the cashier and also inform the class teacher through a written note in the school diary. In order to ensure this process is easier for you, and to reduce the issues with cash handling, we have introduced the option to pay for the school photo package online. When you log into your account for your next payment of school fees, you will see this option. Along with the online payment opportunity, parents will no longer have the hassles of a proof card and individual orders. Each student will receive their complete photo package in a see-thru envelop, soon after the shoot. If you are unhappy with the picture you simply return the unopened package to the school and a picture retake date will be booked, and you will receive the new package. Please note that Stu Williamson Photography will unfortunately not accept any returned packages where the seal has been broken. Please ensure that your child is in the full school uniform, including the tie on the date scheduled for the photograph, class teacher will inform your ward two days prior to the photo shoot. We request you not to send them in their P.E uniforms on the day of the photo shoot. For any more details regarding the shoot please feel free to contact Lisa Williams,Stu Williamson Photography, Schools Division, Contact Phone: 04-4356240, Contact email: With kind regards,

Dr. (Mrs.) Anjuli Murthy Headmistress

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