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Representation of Gender

Most of the costumes are normal casual except for Andrew Lee Pottss character who wears fingerless gloves, pink shirt, black waistcoat, and a smart black hat so maybe his character is meant to be slightly quirky/unusual or even bisexual? The official character wears a stereotypical smart black business suit, the Home Official woman Claudia Brown wears a strangely smart, glamorous outfit? Makeup is casual, apart from Claudia Browns whose face is a little more made up to go with her slightly over the top glam outfit possibly to entice Mr West to agree to her conditions? Location is in woodland somewhere, big open spaces but with zipwire no one else is around? Props include the crane machine that Abi uses to scoop up the dirt and then later on attack the animal. As well as this, the zip wire can be used as a getaway prop for Professor Nick Cutter. In addition to this you could class the belt Nick takes from his waist and uses it for the zip wire as a prop. Another prop could be the vehicles right at the start of the clip you see two truck like vehicles, insinuating the dangerous situation. In the middle of the clip 4 characters introduce the new scene, one of which looks like he is from the government or some secret ministry service. He wears a sharp black smart business suit, and behind these characters is the truck like vehicle from earlier, but also a smart black estate car, most likely belonging to the offical. The rock item that Andrew Lee Pottss character gingerly places on the ground is another prop - he acts as if its a bomb. A prop is also used in the form of a gun/tranquilizer that Abi carries to shot the animal. In a way, the animatronic, SFX tiger creature is a prop, which instantly arises new problems and acts as a further mystery to the team. Though Abi is women, whom are stereotypically weaker than men, it is her who actually finishes the creature off. The time of day looks to be around midday it is still sunny, even if it looks a little dim due to the trees coverage. The camerawork is quite fluid in scenes, but jumpy in others e.g. the zipwire scene. It uses a lot of panning and tracking movements as well as a frequent use of wide angle shots. The scene changes at 3.40, now with the camera displaying a barn and two characters, a glamorized woman, Claudia Brown and Mr West, the obvious farm owner, due to his stereotypical denim working clothes and wellington boots. The time of day looks to be around the same time as the first scene logically theres only meant to be around 10 minutes difference between the two scenes. Like the first scene the weather looks a little grey and miserable with not huge amounts of light. There is no artificial lighting, the only light is natural. The fore front of the barn is in light but fades into darkness towards the back. The two central characters are in the light, but later Claudia Brown is thrown down onto the hay which is slightly in the dark. Dogs are used as props almost, guarding and being malicious. Mr West also uses a gun which he points at Claudia for her blackmail. Guns are also held to Mr Wests head by Abi and another male character. Andrew Lee Potts takes up defence in the form of a shovel which can still do serious damage, though it is slightly comical to the guns.

Sophie Boston

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