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Actually to advertise: Advice Application Arena Ar*ument (ard (arpet: (asual (i*ar (ollar (olla*e (onductor (onstipated (rime

Dis*ust Diversion: 1abrics 1i*ure 7racious: 7rape #diom :ecture: %ayor %edia: &otice /olicy: <uiet !eali=e !ope $ensible $pade $uccess $ympathetic "aller "opic Vase

(de hecho); para expresar actualmente debe decirse nowadays anunciar (y no advertir, que se dice to warn) (consejo); para expresar aviso (advertencia) debe usarse ADV !"#$ % &"(aviso de diario),&'"#( (cartel) solicitud stadio) ("he n*lish equivalent +or the $panish arena is: sand) Discusi,n debate) ("he n*lish equivalent +or the $panish ar*umento is: plot, topic, issue) "arjeta) ("he n*lish equivalent +or the $panish carta is: letter) al+ombra (y no carpeta, -+older.) #n+ormal, desen+adado) ("he n*lish equivalent +or the $panish casual is: accidental) /uro) ("he n*lish equivalent +or the $panish ci*arro is: ci*arette) (uello (de camisa)) ("he n*lish equivalent +or the $panish collar is: nec0lace) 1acultad (2niversidad)) ("he n*lish equivalent +or the $panish cole*io is: primary school) (director de orquesta) ; para expresar conductor (cho+er) debe usarse D!#V ! stre3ido) ("he n*lish equivalent +or the $panish costipado is: a cold) (delito, acto ile*al) ; para expresar crimen (asesinato) debe usarse %2!D ! !epu*nancia) ("he n*lish equivalent +or the $panish dis*usto is: annoyance) desviaci,n (y no diversi,n, que se dice +un) "ela, textil) ("he n*lish equivalent +or the $panish +4brica is: +actory) (i+ra, n5mero, cantidad ("he n*lish equivalent +or the $panish 6+i*ura6 is: appearance, althou*h +i*ure can also be used)) cort8s (y no *racioso, que se dice +unny) 2va) ("he n*lish equivalent +or the $panish 97rapa9 is $taple)) xpresi,n idiom4tica, +rase hecha) ("he n*lish equivalent +or the $panish idioma is: lan*ua*e) con+erencia (y no lectura, que se dice readin*) Alcalde) ("he n*lish equivalent +or the $panish mayor is: main, bi**er, older) medios de comunicaci,n (y no media, que se dice -soc0, panty.) Aviso) ("he n*lish equivalent +or the $panish noticia is: news) pol;tica (y no polic;a, que se dice police) (allado) ("he n*lish equivalent +or the $panish quieto is: still, motionless) Darse cuenta) ("he n*lish equivalent +or the $panish reali=ar is: carry out, ma0e) (uerda, so*a) ("he n*lish equivalent +or the $panish ropa is: (lothes, *arnment) $ensato) ("he n*lish equivalent +or the $panish sensible is: sensitive) /ala (para cavar)) ("he n*lish equivalent +or the $panish espada is: sword) >xito) ("he n*lish equivalent +or the $panish suceso is: event) (omprensivo) ("he n*lish equivalent +or the $panish simp4tico is: nice, +riendly) %4s alto (+orma comparativa de superioridad del adjetivo tall:alto)) ("he n*lish equivalent +or the $panish 9"aller9 is ?or0shop)) "ema) ("he n*lish equivalent +or the $panish t,pico is: (lich8) (+lorero) ; para expresar vaso debe usarse 7:A$$

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