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Whereas defined pursuant to; U.S.C. Title 31 Money And Finance Subtitle Financial Mana!

a!e"ent Chapter 31 #ublic $ebt Sec. 3113 % Acceptin! !ifts &a' To pro(ide the people of the United States )ith an opportunity to "a*e !ifts to the United States +o(ern"ent to be used to reduce the public debt, &1' the Secretary of the Treasury "ay accept for the +o(ern"ent a !ift of,&-' an obli!ation of the +o(ern"ent included in the public debt "ade only on the condition that the obli!ation be canceled and retired and not reissued. See. http.//)))"/doc/011231232/45M5$6%For%The%#eople% 750789720Acceptin!%+ifts CA:C5; defined. To obliterate; to stri*e or cross out. To destroy the effect of an instru"ent by defacin!< obliteratin!< e=pun!in!< or erasin! it. To re(o*e or recall; to annul or destroy< "a*e (oid or in(alid< or set aside. To rescind; abandon; repeal; surrender; )ai(e; ter"inate. The ter" is so"eti"es e>ui(alent to ?dischar!e? or ?pay.? $ebes (. Te=as :at. -an* of -eau"ont< Te=.Ci(.App.< 20 S.W.0d 3@9< 3@2. See also Abro!ation; Cancellation; 4ede"ption; 4escind; 4escission of contract; 4e(ocation; Ter"ination. -lac*As ;a) $ictionary Si=th 5dition &pa!e 019' CA:C5;;AT B: defined. To destroy the force< effecti(eness< or (alidity of. To annul< abro!ate< or ter"inate. $eface"ent or "utilation of instru"ent. Words of re(ocation )ritten across instru"ent. A "eans )hereby a holder dischar!es a partyCs liability on an instru"ent by physically de"onstratin! on the face of the instru"ent the intention to dischar!e< as by )ritin! ?CA:C5;;5$? across the instru"entCs face< stri*in! out the partyCs si!nature< or destroyin! or "utilatin! the si!nature or the instru"ent. As applied to docu"ents of title< the ter" refers to the act of the bailee (oidin! a ne!otiable docu"ent upon its surrender by the holder in ta*in! possession of the !oods. Bccurs )hen either party puts an end to the contract for breach by the other and its effect is the sa"e as that of ?ter"ination? e=cept that the cancellin! party also retains any re"edy for breach of the )hole contract or any unperfor"ed balance. U.C.C. D 0% 119&3'. As used in insurance la)< ter" refers to the ter"ination of an insurance policy by an act of either or both of the parties to it< prior to the endin! of the policy period. Morey (. 5ducator E 5=ecuti(e nsurers< nc.< 3F Bhio St.0d 129< 330 :.5.0d 921. -lac*As ;a) $ictionary Si=th 5dition &pa!e 019' 45T 45 defined. &-an*in! E Finance' &tr' a. to re"o(e &bills< bonds< shares< etc' fro" circulation by ta*in! the" up and payin! for the" b. to re"o(e &"oney' fro" circulation GC19. fro" French retirer< fro" Bld French re% H tirer to pull< dra)I retirer n Collins 5n!lish $ictionary Co"plete and Unabrid!ed J KarperCollins #ublishers 1221< 1223< 1228< 0111< 0113 :BT &nLt' defined. ad(. n no )ay; to no de!ree. Used to e=press ne!ation< denial< refusal< or prohibition. )ill not !o. 6ou "ay not ha(e any. The A"erican Kerita!eM $ictionary of the 5n!lish ;an!ua!e< Fourth 5dition copyri!ht J0111 by Kou!hton Mifflin Co"pany. Updated in 0112. #ublished by Kou!hton Mifflin Co"pany. All ri!hts reser(ed. 45 SSUA-;5 :BT5S defined. -an* notes< )hich after ha(in! been once paid< "ay a!ain be put into circulation< are so called. 0. They cannot properly be called (aluable securities< )hile in the hands of the "a*er; but in an indict"ent< "ay properly be called !oods and chattels. 4y. E Mood. C. C. 018; (ide F MasonCs 4. F3@; 0 4uss. on Cr. 13@. And such notes )ould fall )ithin the description of pro"issory notes. 0 ;each< 1121< 1123; 4uss. E 4y. 030. Nide -an* note; :ote; #ro"issory note. S5TT;5 defined. A )ord of e>ui(ocal "eanin!; "eanin! different thin!s in different connections< and the particular sense in )hich it is used "ay be e=plained by the conte=t or the circu"stances. Accordin!ly< the ter" "ay be e"ployed as "eanin! to a!ree< to appro(e< to arran!e< to ascertain< to li>uidate< to co"e to or reach an a!ree"ent< to deter"ine< to establish< to fi=< to free fro" uncertainty< to place< or to re!ulate. #arties are said to settle an account )hen they !o o(er its ite"s and ascertain and a!ree upon the balance due fro" one to the other. And< )hen the party indebted pays such balance< he is also said to settle it. Under U.C.C. D 3%113&O'< ?settle? "eans to pay in cash< by clearin! house settle"ent< in a char!e or credit or by re"ittance< or other)ise as instructed. A settle"ent "ay be either pro(isional or final. See also AdOust; ;i>uidate; Settle"ent. Settled estate. See 5state. -lac*As ;a) $ictionary Si=th 5dition &pa!e 13@0'

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