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F0R INNEBIATE RELEASE: Contact: Allen Blakemoie
Fiiuay, Febiuaiy 21, 2u14 71S-S26-SS99

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SAN ANT0NI0 - In the iace foi State Senate Bistiict 2S, Bonna Campbell has eaineu
the suppoit of 0.S. Senatoi Teu Ciuz. The announcement comes in the miuule of
eaily voting anu ten uays befoie the election.

"Bonna Campbell is a much-neeueu fightei in the State Senate to help stop
0bamacaie fiom spieauing its uestiuction thioughout Texas. She's a couiageous
conseivative anu Texans aie foitunate to have hei in the State Senate," Senatoi Ciuz
saiu in a statement.

An emeigency ioom physician, State Senatoi Bonna Campbell eaineu a stiong
ieputation foi fighting against the manuates of the Affoiuable Caie Act, also known
as 0bamacaie. She opposeu expanuing Neuicaiu in Texas unuei the 0bamacaie
guiuelines anu fought against setting up a state exchange in Texas. She also
gaineieu national attention foi calling the point of oiuei that enueu Wenuy Bavis'
pio-aboition filibustei.

"I am honoieu to have the suppoit of a conseivative champion like Senatoi Teu
Ciuz. Theie is no gieatei voice against the unconstitutional oveiieaches of this
auministiation," State Senatoi Bonna Campbell stateu. "As a physician, I know that
0bamacaie is the gieatest thieat to the piospeiity of Texans, anu I will uo
eveiything in my powei to stop it."

The fieshman state senatoi was electeu in 2u12 with 66% of the vote. She faces two
piimaiy opponents in the election scheuuleu foi Naich 4th.


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